Saturday, February 27, 2010

7 Wonderful Things about Kimia Fisika =D

1. All of your lecture notes are formulas and equations and I am now confused about how I should remember all of them. At least flipping the book again and again is not good for efficiency.

2. Lots of assumptions, until I want to write "assume that my answer is correct"

3. 2 lines of questions with 2 full pages of answers per question.

4. All questions ask the same thing, but with the "terms and conditions" given, you cannot use the same ways and formulas to answer each question. Otherwise you will be advised to throw yourself down a cliff. (I don't know whether it is the right expression anyway XD)

5. All of them are physics and they only try to relate them with chemistry. So this is physics. I really like physics back then in my school-time, but unfortunately thermodynamics is one topic I never understand (beside optics and magnetic field. LOL).

6. I don't feel like I'm a chemistry student this sem. Physical Chemistry is physics. Analytical Chemistry is mathematics. Defense Science is combined, integrated science (or junior high school super-advanced science XD). Green Chemistry is like a social studies. Art of Academic Writing and Entrepreneurship.... What do you expect? No chem at all! Lab? Oh yah, only that module makes me realize that I'm still a student in Chemistry dept., SPMS, NTU. Luckily.

7. All are thermo thermo and thermo. I know these are hot months temperature-wise, don't increase the temperature of my surrounding, please. 20 cts/hr makes me think and think continously whether I should turn on the air-con or not.


Unknown said...

Hmm, semester depan ada 314 yang lebih banyak main Matematika lagi =PP

Haibara Kaoru Marcella said...

hahaha. nasib lah. panas sekali disini, hiks