The more I watch Bones, the more I find the resemblance between their lab and mine. And even those techniques and machines I know exist in the division I am studying at. Micropipettes, GC-MS, and today, I saw the plastic petri dish. Which, I am definitely using. Oh well. Luckily Jack Hodgins is that funny and different from those people in my lab (which are.. equally funny in other ways. And LOUD). If he is similar to any person in my lab.. I might be going to puke. It's like seeing them for 7 days a week for non-stop.. Well, no offence, I like those people in my lab, but I need my life aside of lab-bing and stuff. I guess everyone does.
Anyway lately I find that several people have weird preferences for TV series. Like, guys watching Gossip Girl and Desperate Housewives.....?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
current mood: pathetic
Ok. I'll promise. If my experiments until FYP is finished work well, I'll pay more respect to Italian national football team. At least I won't say any curse words or bad opinions or whenever they are playing, especially plays against Germany. Let whatever happens, happens. This is for the sake of my super-patient and genius Italian mentor.
Anyway, by this, doesn't mean that I don't support German national football team wholeheartedly anymore. I love die Mannschaft with all my heart. Really.
Anyway, by this, doesn't mean that I don't support German national football team wholeheartedly anymore. I love die Mannschaft with all my heart. Really.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sweets with toothpaste taste
My friend gave it to me. This is the package.

There are two openings, one is for sharing and the other one is not for sharing.
So, when I opened the one for sharing, a small opening was revealed:

And when I opened the one not for sharing (aka for myself)...

I don't really know what's the logic behind this arrangement, whether it is a wrong placement of label, or it is meant to avoid contamination of the content from a lot of hands by placing the large opening for share, or it is just being stingy. But yeah, pretty tricky isn't it?
There are two openings, one is for sharing and the other one is not for sharing.
So, when I opened the one for sharing, a small opening was revealed:
And when I opened the one not for sharing (aka for myself)...
I don't really know what's the logic behind this arrangement, whether it is a wrong placement of label, or it is meant to avoid contamination of the content from a lot of hands by placing the large opening for share, or it is just being stingy. But yeah, pretty tricky isn't it?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
courting ethics is courting ethics. but.....
The same as posted in my tumblr. I think it's nice to put it here also since I haven't decided between blogger or tumblr I know some of my personal nice fellows who somehow love the topic of "dating courting ethics" will actually read this. About a group of unusual people happen to co-exist in our lives. This doesn't make me question or have my beliefs shaken, I just ponder about this since the pinkdot movement in Singapore last weekend and @alittlelamb's (I believe she's clearly straight and not in a relationship with her co-star and ex-roomie! Go to and spend time at all-girls school and you'll know why) blog post some time ago.
Each of God's creation is wonderful on their own.
But with the resentment towards the LGBT community, even from the Christian community with the belief that the Bible shouts the disapproval towards those people, I sometimes wonder, "are they not created by God? But God is the creator of all things, so why are there such a big resentment and alienation towards them, even from the Bible itself? How if it is actually genetics and not lifestyle choices? Naturally, genetics are not a thing we can control, we only can predict the outcome but ultimately God decides which dominant and recessive genes will be expressed so that sometimes genetic engineering doesn't get what it wants the fenotype and genotype of the modified organism to be in perfect condition. Well, unless the parents want to have a genetically-modified children to satisfy their own desires."
I've seen the example of some members of LGBT community or even those who have undergone surgery who stay close to God (not necessarily Christians). Are they sinners? Don't they love God enough? Don't they try to obey what God said?
I believe if they can choose, they also don't want to be born as those who are thought as abnormality in the society. Or worse, an abject.
Anyway if it is actually lifestyle choices, then, I won’t shout any opinions anymore. That'll be clear though, I'll stick with what I believe in.
Each of God's creation is wonderful on their own.
But with the resentment towards the LGBT community, even from the Christian community with the belief that the Bible shouts the disapproval towards those people, I sometimes wonder, "are they not created by God? But God is the creator of all things, so why are there such a big resentment and alienation towards them, even from the Bible itself? How if it is actually genetics and not lifestyle choices? Naturally, genetics are not a thing we can control, we only can predict the outcome but ultimately God decides which dominant and recessive genes will be expressed so that sometimes genetic engineering doesn't get what it wants the fenotype and genotype of the modified organism to be in perfect condition. Well, unless the parents want to have a genetically-modified children to satisfy their own desires."
I've seen the example of some members of LGBT community or even those who have undergone surgery who stay close to God (not necessarily Christians). Are they sinners? Don't they love God enough? Don't they try to obey what God said?
I believe if they can choose, they also don't want to be born as those who are thought as abnormality in the society. Or worse, an abject.
Anyway if it is actually lifestyle choices, then, I won’t shout any opinions anymore. That'll be clear though, I'll stick with what I believe in.
Enjoying my day off~

cr: tumblr
I don't recommend working for 7 days a week (well, 6, if you count the half-days). Really. It's crazy and exhaustive.
So.. Since my working stations are used today so I have nowhere to work, and with the fact that I have a rightful holiday in one weekday of my choice to compensate for my work on the weekend, I'm staying here, in my room, with my camera, books, laptop, Adobe Photoshop and TV series. And my planner and a few Power Point slides for tomorrow's work.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sometimes I just need to feel good about myself..
Some buses in Singapore have two seats in front that are narrower than the rest of the seats. As pictured, it is meant for one adult and one child only because it is that small and narrow and somehow they think (and I also used to think) that it's impossible for two adults to sit there.
A few weeks ago I rode on a bus with a friend. There were only one of those two seats left. We were hesitant at first to sit there together and I actually chose to stand instead, but then we decided to give it a try. And guess what? It fitted us both! It was not a big surprise though since we are both girls and Asian girls are in general skinnier than Westerners due to different measures of our bones and tissues. But still, hey, the seat was just nice for us, which implies that we are in general skinny enough! LOL
A few days ago suddenly a bored PhD student in my lab went inside and tried to lift each girls. She claimed that she could approximate somebody else's weight by lifting them. Which is very nice, because she may be useful for a mass balance so I don't necessarily buy one (well, maybe you can approximate my check-in baggage weight everytime I am going to fly overseas! =D). I think I was the first person she lifted.
I was holding the micropipette and my electrode at that time when she suddenly removed me from the ground I was standing on very easily. I was surprised and squealed (more like quacked......) because from what I see, she's that thin (even though she eats cookies a lot when she's not in the lab! talk about injustice in the world).
What did it imply? I weighed less than her.
So.. I am thin enough, aren't I? Haha. Happy =D
And there's additional fact that I am still the youngest person in my lab. FYI there's still a 2nd-going-to-3rd-year student in my lab and he's older than me. One thing to be thankful to Indo education system that we entered uni at one year younger than those students at the other regions nearby (ie. South East Asia).
Thursday, June 9, 2011
All glory and praise be to God alone!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Finally, I have some time to write
I guess it's been a long time that I haven't updated this blog. Yeah. A friend had asked me about that earlier.. And yah. I'm working now, in that same old brand new lab. There are more people now, compared to three of us last year. It's merrier, but at the same time, it's been harder to work at the same rate as I did before. Well then, now I've got to work on Sat but I am entitled one day off-duty in weekdays. Not bad. It's quite tiring, and I spend most of my time in my lab since I am doing the tedious process of preliminary results, so I'd be more active in tumblr since it has the application for phone so that I can easily post whatever I want (short posts only, that's what my tumblr is for, aside of reblogging) from my phone while I'm running the program for my experiment. So yep, I'm still around. Don't worry.
Anyway, I've been using my days off to work with the school as helpers in chemistry workshops for JC and sec students, so apparently, they are another kind of labwork. But these few days had been fun! The last time I taught chem in A-level prep in Indo, I didn't think that I did very well, because one, I communicate by writing better and two, it's quite hard to me to communicate in Indo properly now. Furthermore it was organic chem which was (and still is) not the field that I am interested in and am currently working on (but yeah, it's relatively easier to understand compared to quantum chemand kinetics). Alright, no excuses! On the positive side, the lesson earned from the past experience combined with my love to labwork have brought me to understanding of the teaching and learning process itself. Plus I speak in English more, so that's good since I am working on speaking fluently and correctly, which I am struggling on because of the Singlish-around-me atmosphere.
One of my friend shared this to me.
and chances to publish papers afterwards.
At the same time, I'm worrying about my grade as well as hall allocation. The NTU system is somehow mysterious. I've even lowered my standard to "no F in the transcript". So yah. Please God. Please.
I only hope this hardwork pays off. The nature of my work now is a die-die-must-finish-in-one-day, so I must try to come as early and work as efficiently as possible if I don't want to spend my night in the lab and not on the mattress provided by my hall, which I have been close to. Even though it's not King Koil anymore, it's much better than carton boxes on the floor. The synthetic lab training had given me some useful skills to be applied in a general labwork, even though I am far, far, far away from synthesis and organic chemistry.
And I've been treating someone badly today. It was nice that the person did something good. But then I did not treat that person properly. I feel like I'm reeeally a bad person who can't appreciate the blessing that God has given me in the form of friends. I must be more grateful to the people who stick to me through thick and thin, aren't I? Sheesh.
Anyway, I've been using my days off to work with the school as helpers in chemistry workshops for JC and sec students, so apparently, they are another kind of labwork. But these few days had been fun! The last time I taught chem in A-level prep in Indo, I didn't think that I did very well, because one, I communicate by writing better and two, it's quite hard to me to communicate in Indo properly now. Furthermore it was organic chem which was (and still is) not the field that I am interested in and am currently working on (but yeah, it's relatively easier to understand compared to quantum chem
One of my friend shared this to me.
"A US chem professor ever said that, if an undergrad, even PhD student can't make even secondary school students understand about the chemistry they're doing, then they are not a good scientist at all."So? It's like telling me to be a gracious and respectable chemistry student who are reliable, knowledgeable, fair and considerate. Specially like those research students who are blessed enough to do good projects with a superb and helpful professor and mentors and labmates
At the same time, I'm worrying about my grade as well as hall allocation. The NTU system is somehow mysterious. I've even lowered my standard to "no F in the transcript". So yah. Please God. Please.
I only hope this hardwork pays off. The nature of my work now is a die-die-must-finish-in-one-day, so I must try to come as early and work as efficiently as possible if I don't want to spend my night in the lab and not on the mattress provided by my hall, which I have been close to. Even though it's not King Koil anymore, it's much better than carton boxes on the floor. The synthetic lab training had given me some useful skills to be applied in a general labwork, even though I am far, far, far away from synthesis and organic chemistry.
And I've been treating someone badly today. It was nice that the person did something good. But then I did not treat that person properly. I feel like I'm reeeally a bad person who can't appreciate the blessing that God has given me in the form of friends. I must be more grateful to the people who stick to me through thick and thin, aren't I? Sheesh.
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