I really amazed seeing how GOD works on us throughout the months of our servanthood.
I saw one more with my own eyes, yesterday.
Thank you, Lord, especially, for the weather. It was not sunny as we had expected it to be. It was cloudy. But God, I am really amazed that the rain stopped just before our BBQ starts. It had been raining since earlier that week, and for that particular day, it started raining at 9am in the morning. A struggle it was. Starting from the weather issue that was brought up in the last EXCO meeting, and ko M that posted in the mailing list at the beginning of the week for us to pray for the weather because the rain suddenly fell from the sky although it is dry season now. The rain continued for days (except Thursday which was very sunny) and it became longer and longer each day. Made me really anxious =P And yes, on the D-day, God answered our prayer! The rain stopped at 3 pm. We rushed to the BBQ pit, covered the place with newspaper (so people wouldn't get wet) and had the BBQ with no rain. The clouds were nothing but remains from the rain.
Thank you, Lord. Thank You for the assistance and being with us as always. Thankful of the place that we finally be able to book. Thankful for every thoughts of people, every discussion that enriched the preparation (110+ postings in milist!). Thankful for the catering. Being really thankful on how you guide us on this event, from the raw until the done.
Thankful for those who came. Thanks for the togetherness. Thanks for each others' willingness to come, although it was raining since the morning. It was nice to see all of you gather and enjoy the BBQ despite of the busy week in NTU. Really happy to see those who had been 'disappeared' through the semester.
Thankful for each EXCO member who gave their effort in this BBQ, since the preparation until the execution of the event as well. For A with her temporary presidency. For C with her... 'vice presidency'? For I with his prayer, although he was faraway. For R with his welfare. For C and his guitar. For R with his effort with the charcoal. For A by checking the delivered catering. For W, H, D, M, J, you know your roles, thank you!
Thankful for people who helped us yesterday. He always satisfies. 13 people were not enough to organize and prepare all this without your help! Thank you for 'cook'ing together, burning the charcoal, carrying the BBQ stuffs along, cheering up the event, gossiping, taking photos, cleaning up the mess.. For E, A, I, A, D, C, G, ko M, ko S, ci M, E, M, S, I, G, M, A and all the rest.. thank you!
Thankful for me, God, that I was able to finish the tough tough thermo test. It was not perfect, it might be a really stuuuuupiiidddd mistake that made me really regret and down. But thank You, Lord, for strengthen and cheering me up through the times. Thank you Lord for making me such a perfectionist so that I try to do my best and it keep me from further falling, that might ended up with me drawing myself (physically and/or mentally) away from everything, from our event. The result may be expected, may be unexpected, but teach me to be thankful to You whatever happens and to do my best for You alone.
It has been tiring, but I am overjoyed with all the blessings He had given us yesterday and all the time.
My hair still smells of the BBQ smoke and the T-shirt I wore yesterday still smells as well although I had washed both of them thoroughly already! Guess I need to re-wash them..