Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It makes my brain go round in a cycle. All I can see is the electrons go round round round and round.... randomly.
While the other modules are still going happily now esp. dr Tan's.. he looks really excited and high, haha, heterocyclic has gone with concepts that make my head dizzy.

Anyway, thanks ci Mer for the prayer! =) Hope I will survive it with smile at the end of this semester! Exam on 2 days before Christmas! Maybe I should make a film on that.

drawn on Yahoo! Doodle just now (black = me, blue = her, indigo = me)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Things for Giveaway

I've officially moved to NTU hall.

Tomorrow's school and they give only 1 day for, I'm not sure, 9000 students (hopefully it's not exaggerating?) to check-in if they want to start staying in hall before school starts?
Oh well. Seeing the hall officers downstairs, they are very stressed during the preparation for hall check-in.

And they don't give me my old room back.
But this room has better view outside! haha! A fair drawback, though.

Some of my drawers are empty, means that I have lesser stuffs now or I just arranged them nicely so now I still have some extra drawers for my friends who haven't been offered any place in hall yet to put their boxes.

But I'll be glad to give away some of my unused stuffs. I need my stuffs to be lesser and lesser.

Anyone wants?
Here's the list. Just contact me if you want. =)
  • 1 ortho toothbrush (for those who use tooth braces)
  • 2 ring files
  • Some note pads.
  • 50 marbles (useful for CBC212 if you don't have molecular model and your 3D visualization is poor.. or if you just want to excel and score, yah, you can consider to stick the marbles using bluetacks rather than buying expensive molecular models, haha)
  • Entrepreneurship (MPS812) print-out book.

Friday, August 27, 2010

2 UEs at once?


apa didaftarin 1 paket? (UE-UE sehati pre-requisite 1 module simultaneusly, jd kalo salah 1 nya ilang, ga bs ambil yg terakhir...)

yaudahlah ambil aja XD thank God nway, 1 more achievement is completed.

nway, strange hall arrangement....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Familiar with the name on the title?

Rhomedal Aquino is a fast-hand magician in Indonesia. He appeared in "The Master" reality show which displayed Deddy Corbuzier's students good magicians in the country competing with one another.

Me, myself, admires fast-hand magicians for their skill and the fascinating set they build. Like when you were at home, bored, then you clapped your hand and suddenly a dove appeared from your hands! Cute ^^ Rather than seeing the "fakhir" type where they tried to insert nails into your tongue, or passed a thread from your left ear to your right ear from inside.. yucks.

And the plus point of Rhomedal is... that... beside he is very much talented, he is also good-looking. Hehe ^^

You can see his performance on manipulation routine here. Yes, yes, he is the one with the handsome, painted face there! <3 It's in Bahasa Indonesia btw.

cr: mappln

This afternoon I turned on my TV, and changed the channels. One of the show was a gossip show (Starlight.. or whatever), and I stopped there bcos I saw the Changi General Hospital layout. Another Indonesian in Singapore hospitals beside Mount E? Quite interesting.

Then the host appeared... And I saw the familiar face with the paintings on it...


Darn. it.

How come a talented magician as he is then "only" becomes a gossip TV host?!!!
I think he could be a better performer instead. Pak Tarno (yeee, that old folk, if you know) appeared everyday on a "sahur" show performing magic, and surely he gets a lot of money alongside with performing his talent. Then Rhomedal... is only displaying his face at the show without doing something related to his skill in magic? Or he had parted his way with magic?

Oh oh Indonesia. How big your talent is, you will only be what market wants you to be. For artists (well, I believe that magic is an art! they uses tricks, not witchcrafts *except the recent news regarding Limbad*) if you are good looking enough, most probably you will end up being a soap opera actor/actress or gossip TV show. They are the main shows in Indonesian TV, beside football (Oezil to Real Madrid, I don't know whether I should be happy or sad with him) and comedy shows (OB's Saschya aka Winda is now seen to be the singer at Opera Van Java after OB ended, well, I guess she returned to her old singing now) and talent shows (btw Indonesia Mencari Bakat aka Indonesia Got Talent is quite nice!! They got an 8-year-old good dancer, a double-faced singer and a 13-year-old soprano!!!).

Glad I am doing my study in Singapore instead. At least scientists may get better chance there.

Taking his quote at the beginning of that video about a kid who did not know about his future and lacked of motivation and as predicted, turned out to be him
"I will take this small challenge, whatever the obstacles are, I will face them to achieve my dream"
So what's your challenge, Rhom? Being popular, or being a magician?

it's.. today :)

Today I "successfully" slept at 5.30 AM and woke up at 2 PM! ~^o^~
why? ee~ no particular reason, I was playing with my computer, watching videos, etc etc and I did not notice the time. LOL.

I woke up after a series of nightmares.

It included:
  • I missed the add/drop time *stupid* My scheduled add/drop should be at 1 PM, and in that dream, I just realized that I missed the registration time at 7 PM.
  • The internet connection did not work.
  • Stalkers following me at hall 2! (on holiday I was moved to hall 2, and in that dream I was still there waiting for moving in to my current hall). Annoying.. and.. really not important... Why should they stalk me nway?
  • My friends from my batch (3rd years) were upset because they were still homeless. Hall-less, to be exact. And seeing some other people got hall... This included a problem on seniority. Cheer up folks! You might get a better hall like I was last year. LOL.
If I remember the old, high-school time myth made by some friends who were struggling to finish national exams and find unis that, what appeared in your dream will be the opposite of the reality, then.. I will get all the subjects that I want? And next year I will still be in hall? XD

Looking for another right-bar achievement :P

Monday, August 16, 2010

Comments on my song collection these days

“Ooohhh, gw punya lagu ini ya?”

“Ini lagu apa ya?”

“Eh.. Ga pernah dengerin nih lagu..” meskipun lagu itu ada di folder selama bertahun-tahun (paling banyak terjadi di folder lagu Barat dan Indo, soalnya jarang pernah dengerin)

“Etooo, ini single punya lengkap yah? A-side nya sering dengerin, baru tau punya B-side(s) nya juga”

As usual, holiday is the time to listen to the rest of the songs in my lapie! I don’t have much time to explore my collections on term time, so, yah, now is the time to enjoy them! Including the movies and doramas on my watching list too. And so sad, I forgot to copy my friend’s boyfriend’s series collection. Needs some detective and action series to be injected to my brain! Haha ^^ Time to buy an external HD I think, cos last time, when I copied them and wrote my report on the same period of time, my lapie hung. So scary for my lab data.


“Ini lagu yang ampas itu toh. Pantesan gw ga pernah pasang nih lagu lagi..” (banyak terjadi di koleksi lagu Jepang yang saya kumpulin biar berasa punya banyak dan at least ngelengkapin major songs. soalnya saya cuma hafal lagu Do As Infinity yang mana yang ga layak denger.. sisanya.... sudah..... lupa +_+)

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Apa sih artinya uang 5 sen buat kita? Buat beberapa orang di Singapore yg saya amatin sih, terima uang 5 sen itu seolah cuma bikin dompet penuh pake recehan. 5 sen itu koinan, kecil, dan ga banyak gunanya. Tapi apakah kita pernah mikir kalo 5 sen itu bisa banyak artinya buat diri kita sendiri? *selain buat ngerjain yang jaga stall di hawker atau kantin dengan bayar 1 dolar dgn 20 buah koin 5 sen ^^”*

This posting is based on a friend’s story.
Jadi ceritanya, dia ada tugas pelayanan di gereja (Singapore) waktu dia lagi liburan di Indo. Meanwhile, team nya juga ga tahu kalo dia lagi ngga available di Singapore saat itu. Dan minggu depannya, di saat dia udah balik ke Singapore, dia baru dibilangin sama bapak Pendeta tentang hal itu.

Temen saya bingung.
Pas pulang gereja, kita ngobrol.

Dia: “eh, emang minggu lalu ada nama gw ya di warta buat petugas minggu depan?”
Saya: “iya”
Dia: “hah, kan gw lagi di Indo? gw ga pernah dikasihtau tuh kalo gw bakal ada pelayanan..”
Saya: “loh, emang systemnya ga ada reminder apa gt?”
Dia: “mustinya sih ada ya.. kan biasanya di sms gt, cm klo gw lagi di Indo kan pasti ga delivered. email gw jg ga buka slama di indo..”
Saya: “oh, mgkn ga merhatiin kali delivery statusnya?”
Dia: “ya tapi kan gw ga bales, “ok” gitu.. kalo ga ada kabar apa2x dia hrsnya confirm lg dong..”
Dipikir-pikir, penting juga ya bales sms, even though it is only a simple thing like a reminder (but on the other hand, I still believe that not all sms are meant to be replied =P). And even if the reply is only a thank you note. Asal jangan nge-junk aja sms-nya ^^” Seperti yang banyak disinggung2x, “terima kasih” itu jadi kata yang makin langka di dunia ini. Bales sms reminder juga pertanda klo sms dia udah kita terima, or at least, kita masih pake nomer itu (orang Indo kan dulu suka gonta ganti nomer gt..) sama2x enak kan jadinya? Dan waktu kita ga bales, kita ga tahu kalo ternyata it will turn out into a big problem kayak temen gw itu.

Waktu SMA saya pernah ditegur senior karena ngga bales sms dia. Dari sana saya belajar sih, bales sms itu juga jadi bentuk penghargaan buat pengirimnya if you know how was my high school like, anyway dan sms itu bisa jadi penting artinya buat pengirimnya for any purposes meskipun sms nya tuh senior seinget saya ga segitu pentingnya buat dibales sih.

Saya inget, dulu, pernah ada yg kirim sms ke saya tentang satu event. Ulang tahun, ngumpul, atau apa gt. Dan sms itu diakhiri dengan:
“kalo iya, ga usah bales, kalo keberatan, bales”
Sudah seapatis itukah dunia sms di kalangan manusia? Nggak tahu itu cuma di Singapura atau dimana2x.. Oh well.

On the other hand, waktu saya 1st year semester 2, di ISCF saya jadi subcomm di sie MDI (media dan informasi). Salah satu tugasnya adalah bantuin sie Fellowship sms-in ke anggota tentang acara (PU, PM etc) yang bakal berlangsung. Yah, reminder lah.
Waktu pertama kali menjalankan tugas, dari sekian jumlah orang yang saya sms, ada yang bales juga waktu itu.
“thanks ya! oh, btw, ini siapa ya?”
Waktu dia bales itu agak kaget sih. Waktu itu saya juga blm nyadar kalo bales sms itu penting. Itu cuma reminder kan? Yang di level exco emang jadi penting karena memang tujuannya adalah ngingetin anggota dan membuat anggota merasa teringatkan dengan adanya reminder, especially if there’s any changes on venue or timing. But this made me thought about human relations yang kompleks ini. Dan membuat saya semakin belajar kalo tiap orang, apapun fungsinya, harus di apresiasi, salah satunya ya dengan mengorbankan lima sen (biaya 1 sms di prepaid services di Singapore) atau bahkan hanya dgn ngorbanin 5 detik dari entah berapa banyak detik yang Tuhan udah kasih ke kita untuk ngetik kata “thanks” dan ga bayar sama sekali! (kalo pake student plan yang unlimited SMS) Nway, should give that person credit on this. Thankies, ‘Vin!

Lastly, you may agree or disagree with this. But yah, some things that is unimportant for you to do might be important for others, so just give this a thought!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 more achievement!

Thaaaaaankkksssss, God!!!!!

(that was not my block, anyways, and hopefully I will get my previous room this year ^___^)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An old note on dress code

Beberapa Sekian lama minggu yang lalu pas World Cup baru mulai saya terlibat satu pembicaraan dengan temen saya. Deket-deket itu seorang temen bakal nikah di gereja. Temen saya ini katanya ga pernah dateng ke acara nikahan seseorang (I hope you know what's the difference between "nikah" and "kawin" so I use the word "nikahan" instead of the popular “kawinan”) dan dia agak bingung tentang baju yang bakal dia pake di acara tersebut.

Saya: Besok lo pake baju apa? Jas? Kemeja? Batik?
Dia: Hah? Rapi amat? Polo shirt aja ga boleh? Gua udah nyetrika polo gua sih.
Saya: Serius mo pake polo? *saya juga mau kalo boleh cm mami papi saya juga bilang ga boleh jadi saya kira kalo ke nikahan ga boleh pake polo*
Dia: Harus pake jas gitu meh? Rapi amat?
Saya: Hmm ga tau sih.. Biasanya gitu. *one of the media to learn how to do something is society rite??*
Dia: Ya ampun.. Dateng orang nikah aja rapi bener.. Kok kayaknya gue kurang menghargai Tuhan sih.. Mana pernah dateng gereja pake jas rapi gitu..

Haha. Mau ga mau otak saya yang kompleks dan absurd ini langsung ngajak mikir.

Bener juga ya? Kalo mau dateng nikahan, biasanya orang (berdasarkan data statistik dengan sample temen2x saya yg kmrn diundang) langsung dandan. Pake baju bagus, sepatu/sendal bagus, bikin kombinasi aksesoris-baju-sepatu biar match.. Kalo ga ada, beli! Sebelum nikahan setrika bajunya dulu, pake make-up, rapihin rambut.. A bit exaggerating.. no?

Bandingin kalo mau ke gereja. Mungkin sblm ke gereja setrika baju-pake make-up-rapihin rambut dulu. Pake baju bagus, yah mungkin beda sama kalo jalan-jalan ke Lecture Theater (alias dateng kelas) atau maen ke kamar temen. Tapi apa effortnya segede kalo kita mau ke nikahan?

Terus, kalo ga punya baju bagus buat ke gereja atau rambut lagi berantakan, apakah kita mau beli baju baru only for the sake of pergi ke gereja atau ke salon ngerapihin rambut untuk menghadap Tuhan aja?

Some other question that popped up in my mind is that.. Kenapa kita pake baju bagus kalo ke luar, including ke gereja? Buat Tuhan karena kita pengen menghargai Dia, atau biar tante-tante/cewek-cewek gosip di gereja ga ngomongin kita? Atau lagi-lagi society rules. Kalo ke luar rumah ya dandan lah yang baik. Toh kalo abis gereja bisa langsung cabut ke City =P

Berani gak sih kita, ke nikahan dengan jenis pakaian yg sama dgn kalo kita dateng ke gereja? As in, kalo anak NTU, biasanya sih kaos/kemeja dan celana jeans.

Saya sih…. kalo pada begitu saya ikut =P (society, again)
Toh intinya kita ikut berbahagia dengan pasangan yang menikah itu =P *semoga tdk terkesan terlalu kompromi*

Minggu lalu di gereja saya dikhotbahkan tentang peran jemaat di gereja. Salah satunya tentang poin ini.
Menurut pendeta saya (yang saya yakin diilhamkan oleh Tuhan) apa yang kita pakai, apa yang kita perbuat, apa yang kita bicarakan itu mencerminkan siapa kita. Itu bagian dari identitas kita. Dalam hubungannya dengan orang lain, itu juga melambangkan bagaimana kita mengapresiasi sekitar kita, how we treat people and thing around us.

Sama hal nya sama ke gereja. Our attire and attitude show who is God in our mind. Kita bisa terlihat menghargai atau tidak menghargai Tuhan dari apa yang kita pakai dan kita lakukan, termasuk di gereja.

Tapi masa’ kalo ke gereja harus pake dress, high heels, dandan habis dll kayak ke kawinan? Ke gereja kan buat Tuhan yang penting isi hatinya?

Ya tapi kalo ga rapi tetep aja ga keliatan menghargai toh? As in, you don’t give any effort when you are going to meet your Master, even though He’s your Father. Misalnya ke gereja pake tank top atau kaos jelek buat pergi ke warung, shorts dan sendal jepit. Yah, menurut lo? =P

buat saya, ke gereja ga harus pake baju yang super bagus, asal rapi, sopan dan appropriate buat ke gereja. Ya, sama kayak ke lab, mau pake baju bagus tapi ga appropriate (misalnya pake shorts dan sandal ke lab dgn status murid, bukan profesor) sama aja bakal diusir. Ga perlu shopping tiap kali mau gereja kayak mo dateng kawinan, tapi jangan yg gothic berantai-rantai kayak band gothic mau manggung di Japanese fest =P

Dan tentang tante-tante yang ke gereja dandan habis atau cewek-cewek yang suka gosip bahkan di gereja…
Ah, bodo amat. Church is still a place to praise God afterall.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Going back home - ACHIEVED!

Will be back to Jakarta, soon. My holiday is a bit packed with this and that. My friends have been started contacting me asking for spending some time together and I have some self-made ambition plans to do. Let’s see how the holiday’s going.

Auf wiederschreiben!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I know what I did last summer

Basically these are some photos from last summer.. In my prof's lab.

These were our lab coats: mine, my 2 labmates and prof's. Look at how we had different colors of lab coats. They were also of different sizes with mine being the smallest *yea rite...* So each size of lab coat sold at CBC chem store has different colors? Interesting fact.

This was what I did while waiting for 10 continuous scans of cyclic voltammetry. LOL. I'd rather to be productive than doing nothing and got bored. As there was no scrabble software installed in that PC (hey, there are scrabble competitions here in Singapore and they are quite prestigious! It's still an achievement if you win a board/computer game competition right? =D) so I played solitaire instead. And I was addicted. And I was getting improvement after around 8 weeks of "intensive training". The score and the timing were my personal best record so far, so I was proud of it. And I successfully infected my labmates with computer games while they were waiting for their voltammograms to pop up. =D

Anyway, the time to finish 1 round of solitaire game (normally, the time above is exceptional) = the time for the CV to finish 10 scans.