Sunday, July 18, 2010

I just punched myself, and found that it was hurt

I just had the weirdest dream I had ever experience:

I changed my own alarm clock in my dream


I just had a nap and I set my phone alarm to ring in 1.25 hours (from 1.50 to 3 PM) beforehand, as usual.
Eventually I woke up at the half-hour. I woke up twice, the first one was because my phone rang at 2 PM due to my friend's message. The second one was at 2.30 PM without any particular reason. Then, when I was just about to go back to sleep, I thought to myself:
"oh, only half an hour left? *sigh*"
Then I went back to sleep, and later, I woke up and found that it was already 3.15 PM!

OK, I often miss the alarm lately (i.e. I don't hear the alarm ringing) in the morning due to the now-finished World Cup season that made me sleep late and woke up late and had the whole day feeling tired until I took a nap at my desk at lab =P Even at the 3rd-4th day after the World Cup was finished and the Germans made it into 3rd place (again) the tired-feeling worsened and I missed some alarm. Sometimes I even woke up 2-3 hours after the alarm rang ^____^ So I thought, I missed the alarm again because of that.

I looked at the alarm program and found that the time changed to 3.19 PM. I thought it was automatically generated if the alarm rang and no one pressed to stop or snooze or simply pressed any button. But I still felt sleepy and re-set my alarm to 3.30 (and thought: 2 hrs of sleeping? oh.. report!!)

Later I woke up without any alarm and found that it was 2.59!!!!
And my alarm program still showed that the alarm should rang at 3 PM, which it did in a few seconds. *scratching head*

Did I just travel in time or was it only another strange dream on a lazy to make report, cold, windy Sunday afternoon? FYI, I felt really awake when I thought I was awake at the whole part of the story.

Now I don't know, which part of the above story was happened when I am awake (at least my friend's message is real, I have the proof in my phone)

Maybe I need some vacation and take a long, long nap or slumber =P soon, yeah, soon, I'll be in Jakarta for holz~ happy ^____^ (or maybe it was a sign not to watch Euro 2012 at early morning in live-broadcast)

And I hope I am really awake and alive right now. >.<


Unknown said...

Hohoho, kamu bisa pasang beberapa alarm sekaligus. Misal pagi 8 am, 8.15 am, dan 8.30 am gitu :P Jadi ini mimpi dijamin ndak bakal dateng lagi.

Achelle said...

haha, technologically hp nya ga sanggup pasang banyak alarm XD bs sih pake reminder gt tapi ya ga kedengeran atuh, krg kenceng.. =P