Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hazy, dreamy days.

During the past week, the sky has looked gloomy all day. No clouds are clearly seen, neither is sun ray. I have prepared to the cold weather and the induced sleepy ambience... But then, no downpours, even though the weather forecast has said so!

Well, there are, but they are not as significant as I think they will be.

And it is hot. As. Ever.
I need air-con. But the fee is rather expensive, and I still can withstand the temperature, so I still use my fan. It is still a little sweaty and I just need to wash my hair more often. Cheaper way, I guess.
Poorly, as soon as I switch off the air-con (no 24h air-con or I'll be flat broke), my room become hot again. Usually my room will be a bit cold for a while (I never open the window afterwards) but now... NO. It's just like the hottest season in Singapore that should happen between January-May, and it is just (or already) October!!
So maybe it's not hot. It's damp.

And one day we heard about the haze problem. That there were fire in Sumatra (Indonesia) land. That the fire came from farms. And the smoke escaped to the neighboring countries: Singapore, Malaysia...
And that was where the gloomy sky came from.

HAZE, again and again.

It is terrible. It prevents sunlight passing through, and the dust and smoke it bring are just bad for health.

According to the news, in the past 2-3 years there had been no haze around. Means that there were lesser number of farm burning at the neighbouring land.
Can you just stop those actions?? Yes maybe it's a super effective way to clean your (or anybody's) land from everything.. But can you please be considerate? The smoke can just escape everywhere and does not stay in your land forever. It will not affect you, maybe, but it does affect people around!

If you think you're happy because you've successfully sent it to Malaysia, which you think are annoying and terrible enough... Oh. You're much more annoying and terrible. Even much much more annoying than me Rachel Berry. You're not being considerate to the Indonesian students studying in Singapore or Malaysia, or think about those Indonesian maid or sailors working there. They are experiencing the problem as bad as the locals there and it is because of the same haze, same smoke, same dust, so don't be happy about it.

Please, no nationalism-issue or whatever here... It's just.... environmentally unfriendly. Period.

see the skies!

2 days back, when I went out of my room, I saw rays of sunlight along the hallway.

It may sound exaggerating as Rachel Berry as I often be but yes, I'm happy! Means that the haze has not covered up the upper atmosphere as much as it had before!

And what ends this even happier, it is raining now! Hopefully it will help to clear up the haze.
During the past 45 minutes a few fierce thunders roared. Maybe the sky is angry because of haze, too! Well, I guess everyone, and even everything is unhappy about the haze. Who's happy, then, if your health is on risk and your life is miserable?

Aniwaaaaiiii, this is from one of my favorite local team, mr brown show =)

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