Monday, October 11, 2010

So don't go breaking my heart

Well, can't wait for Glee's new ep in 2 days~
I think it'll be a good ep, esp. the songs are great songs.. (not necessarily means the cover is also that good, but I think it'll be worth to watch)

And recess week is coming!~

This week I've got lots of quizzes.. And coursemates started skipping lectures ('til the lecturers got confused.. LOL)

and aniway,
why spectros seems more heart breaking harder than heterocyclic?
(or just a matter of teacher?)


Unknown said...

Hehehe, yakin 311 lebih susah daripada 934? :P

Achelle said...

ga sih.. cm krn guru 311 thn ini parah jadi plg ga 934 lbh bs dimengerti dr 311.

Unknown said...

Emang yang ngajar 311 siapa sekarang?

Achelle said...

prof yoshikai