Wednesday, May 18, 2011

nguping bench, spring 2011

A post in Bahasa Indo. Enjoy~

TIK, IPG dan KK exam terakhir semester ini.

TIK: Aduh optics nih, aku takut fail..
IPG: Iya nih. Udahlah, jangan khawatir, masih ada semester depan. NTU belum tutup.
KK: *lewat di bench HSS* Gw juga.
HSS: Emang mereka semua berencana mau fail ya?


SNG ambil module nyanyi.

IPG: *mendekat* Mention the singing positions! Jongkok, duduk, berdiri.
SNG: Hahaha. Jongkok-berdiri-jongkok-berdiri aja. Squat jump.


Di bench lagi panas2nya (Singapore ~35 derajat C), tiba2 ada angin lewat.

TIK: Angin.....


SNG: Suara orang itu paling optimal waktu malam. Baru bangun itu suara paling ga optimal.
TIK: Oh pantesan, kalo aku choir di gereja, choirnya kan mulai jam 3, aku baru bangun jam 1..


IPG: Step 2 ... Kita campurkan bawang merah dan bawang putih... Menjadi bawang pink!!


Petualangan TIK dan IPG mencari ujung semut.

AH: Nyari ujung semut tuh ya, semutnya (panjang 1 semutnya) segini, ujungnya ya disini..


SNG: Eh, ini jangan dimasukin nguping bench ya.

didengar oleh editor yang langsung mencatat quote ini.


SNG: Should we call it a day?
IPG: Yeay! A day!


Waktu lagi ngomongin Google:

IPG: Eh bosnya Google siapa yah?
IK: Bukannya Sergei Brin dan satunya yah? Tapi itu ada Senior Vice Presidentnya si OI yang jago banget..
EW: College of Engineering?



IPG: OInya jago apa? Bikin prata? (uda ngakak)
EW: Ntar ada bahasa pemrograman yang gantiin Java, namanya Prata..
SNG: Iya, ikonnya roti pipih kasih kare.
CS: ...


Lanjutan IK: Ah ini harus masukin Nguping Bench
EW: Eh kirim LPJ ke Rendi dulu!
IK: Udah!


SNG: Itu di Quad ada kartu yang dijual, tulisannya Never Hold Your Fart. Terus lanjutan tulisannya gitu Never Hold Your Fart, itu kan gas-gas beracun yang harus dibuang, jadi kalo ga dibuang, itu bakal naik lewat spinal cord, terus masuk ke otak, that’s where the shitty thoughts come from.
EW: Kartunya kalau dibuka bisa bunyi yah?


IPG: Gua pernah tuh nonton film Kuntilanak yang kepalanya terbang2, terus makanin ari2, dan itu ditayangkan di TPI (Televisi PENDIDIKAN Indonesia)


SNG: Kata guru HP806, “RSAF jangan ketuker sama istilah British yang banyak pake 'Royal' jadi Royal Singapore Air Force yah."
EW: Iya, kalo Inggris kan dibikin Royal semua.
IPG: Kalo Indo Regal!


IK: 3 Gorges Dam kan deket sana ada makamnya Liu Bei
SNG: Bukannya 3 Gorges Dam di India yah? (gubrak)
EW: 3 Gorges Damnya membendung kari pake prata.


IPG: Lu masi mau bikin summary?
CS: Iya ntar sambil tidur.


IK: T, kalo kamu punya pacar, trus ada 2 foto, kamu sama pacarmu, trus kamu mau bikin sesuatu. Kamu lebih suka pasang fotomu sendiri atau fotomu sama pacarmu?
TIK: Wah aku ga tau bos, aku ga pernah punya pacar..

didengar oleh benchers yang langsung merasa kasihan.


HSS: (Baca nguping bench) Menarik, menarik. Tidak masuk akal.


HSS: Bulannya indah sekali. Aku ingin ada bulan seperti ini setiap hari.
JK: Bulan depan juga ada lagi.


SNG: Kalau mau nyembunyiin perut tuh harus tahan napas kayak gini..
Seorang cowok di bench: Pengen ga punya perut deh.
HSS: Emang ada manusia nggak punya perut?


cr: AHP's friendster

TIK: Bench itu kan mulai dari segelintir orang.
KK: 4 orang doang. AHP, VA, RED sama GBS.
TIK: (AHP dan VA kan pacaran) Kenapa GBS gak mau sama RED aja ya?


(lagi nge-raid friendsternya KK)

IK: (Liat foto KK waktu SMA) Dulu kurus ya?
(beberapa saat kemudian)
IK: Maaf To, gw ga tau kalo dulu lo kurus.
HSS: Gendutnya mulai kapan?


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Molecular Model, anyone?

My friend is selling her molecular model. She asked me to keep the thing for her in case there are people in school who want to buy it. So, if anyone is interested, please contact me, or if you know someone who needs it, please refer me to them. The buyer must reside in Singapore, best if they can arrange to pick it up at NTU. Thanks.

Dear problems.

cr: weheartit

Seems like self-assurance. But yeah, that's what I need for now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I was LOL-ing at the one with "You are here, but I can fix that in Photoshop"

Photoshop is really ftw. LOL.

Anyway I want these :p

oh well, I'm not a web designer, but who cares about the first two :p
and yeah, I'm not a graphic designer either. if it's so, my course would have been ADM, not chemistry But well...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

iluma stall is surprisingly not crowded today. due to high temperature outside?

eat, koi, #sgelections study.

A friend brought me the koi. Of course it's not free, but it was a very nice of him to offer me nice drinks when outside temperature is 36 degrees Celcius and inside temperature is more than 100 degrees (oh, I'm quite stable, aren't I? I haven't decomposed yet. LOL). Thank you, brother!

Have been playing with the program used when in a hurry or in a deep midst of laziness to give more effort in photoshop Photoscape lately *exams!*. The more I see the 'film effect' filter, the more I miss the time of film/analog photography. Yes, the current digital era makes photography cheaper and more accessible to everyone (my friends know that this contains a bit of cynical criticism) but well, some era never dies. Especially with certain special films and cameras you can buy or modify yourselves..

Last convocation, my senior brought her (or her dad's?) SLR (don't confuse this with DSLR). I was like all "...." and thankfully I was allowed to use it when she asked me to help taking photos of her and her friends. Creepily happy! Especially because the last time I took photos with film camera was around 10 years ago. Not a long time ago I met a senior who was also bringing his film camera to school and said that he needed to finish his film soon. Nice!! Request sent to dad =p

Quoting this lady:
About once a year, I acquire a new camera. I’ve missed shooting with film. Although I do shoot film with my lomo cameras, it’s different. So, this is the solution I found, especially after marveling over the photos my friend took with her FM2. This new camera will be joining in the ranks of my G11, Panasonic LX3, Diana F+, Polaroid, and Holga. I may have a problem.

Just a thought. If you want to have a decent program for photo-editing, Photoscape is a freeware. It is quite handy, a lot of things can still be done (well, I haven't found the brush tools and all stuffs, but for enhancing photos this is nice-and-easy, you can still modify a lot and you can still use the curves..) and it'll give you nice results afterwards. If you consider yourself a pro so you "die-die" want to use Adobe Photoshop instead, just buy the original one, don't use the piracy version. I know it's expensive if you can't access the student version, but it's a good investment if you're really into it. Intellectual properties need appreciation, too ;) Just saying.

Firefox 4

Call me super late, but yes, I haven't updated my firefox yet.

Care to know why?


Super FAIL. Considering this as a 'technological university', this learning portal has become really an annoyance.

Edventure = NTU learning portal which is only optimized for IE.
Duh. Anyone still using it? Everytime I use using IE at both my lapie and my home PC, the whole systems hang. So?

With Firefox 5 (said to be) coming, I don't know what to say. Definitely won't sacrifice the enhancement of my lapie for this, so I may need to hang out at library more often in the future (2 more mods to go..). Only to use that old version of IE and open edventure. Sad.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Honoring Lady Di's Birthday

from shumbodynamedharry (Harry Shum, Jr.'s tumblr blog)

I was like.. "huh? Lady Di?" And even thought that was Lady Diana Spencer aka Diana the Princess of Wales' photo (post Royal Wedding effect, yea).. Then I realized that THAT Diana's birthday is (or was?) in July.. So?

Oh well.

Lady Di here means miss Dianna Agron. Funny how I notice that Lea Michele calls her "lady" on her tweets. Now I know another reason why (apart from the fact that she is really a lady!). (ex-)Roommates' secret =p

Anywaay. Happy belated birthday, miss Agron! Keep smiling, keep acting, keep writing and taking photos. Go Fabray! Lucy Caboosey FTW.

And hmm. Jenna and Kevin are there too, sitting side-by-side!