Wednesday, June 22, 2011

courting ethics is courting ethics. but.....

The same as posted in my tumblr. I think it's nice to put it here also since I haven't decided between blogger or tumblr I know some of my personal nice fellows who somehow love the topic of "dating courting ethics" will actually read this. About a group of unusual people happen to co-exist in our lives. This doesn't make me question or have my beliefs shaken, I just ponder about this since the pinkdot movement in Singapore last weekend and @alittlelamb's (I believe she's clearly straight and not in a relationship with her co-star and ex-roomie! Go to and spend time at all-girls school and you'll know why) blog post some time ago.


Each of God's creation is wonderful on their own.

But with the resentment towards the LGBT community, even from the Christian community with the belief that the Bible shouts the disapproval towards those people, I sometimes wonder, "are they not created by God? But God is the creator of all things, so why are there such a big resentment and alienation towards them, even from the Bible itself? How if it is actually genetics and not lifestyle choices? Naturally, genetics are not a thing we can control, we only can predict the outcome but ultimately God decides which dominant and recessive genes will be expressed so that sometimes genetic engineering doesn't get what it wants the fenotype and genotype of the modified organism to be in perfect condition. Well, unless the parents want to have a genetically-modified children to satisfy their own desires."


I've seen the example of some members of LGBT community or even those who have undergone surgery who stay close to God (not necessarily Christians). Are they sinners? Don't they love God enough? Don't they try to obey what God said?


I believe if they can choose, they also don't want to be born as those who are thought as abnormality in the society. Or worse, an abject.


Anyway if it is actually lifestyle choices, then, I won’t shout any opinions anymore. That'll be clear though, I'll stick with what I believe in.


Unknown said...

Having tendency to like the same gender is not necessarily a sin.
However, acting out that tendency is a sin.
I don't think this tendency is encoded in DNA.
But even if it is, they can still choose not to act out that tendency.
Some people have genetic tendency toward diabetes. Yet, they can still choose to fight it.
In other words, this tendency is similar to temptation.

Achelle said...

But then, there will be a problem in expressing themselves, isn't it? It's not a temptation, but how if they just can't act out the heterosexual love or likeness? Is living a celibacy life an option for them? Is it what God wants people like them to be?

Unknown said...

Indeed, they will have difficulty in expressing themselves. However, we all do experience similar thing, don't we?

We all have the tendency to sin. We all tend to give in to temptation. We will have difficulty in expressing righteous life.

I don't see any fundamental difference between homosexuality and any other sexual temptation.

At least there are two alternatives for homosexual people:

1.) If it is indeed extremely difficult for them to live like heterosexual people, they can choose not to marry. Marriage is only for heterosexual people. Homosexual people who live in celibacy do not break God's law.

2.) If they are really determined to live like heterosexual people, they can seek help from Exodus International or any other ministry taking care of homosexual people.

There are pastors who have found freedom from homosexuality, for example Pastor Sy Rogers.

God hates sin.
God loves sinners.

Homosexuality is a sin.
Homosexual people are sinners.


God hates homosexuality.
But still,
God loves homosexual people.