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luar biasa
Berminat mencoba? bukalah =D
*ai-chan: pernah takut ga lulus SMA gara-gara UAN bahasa indonesia*
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
7 Wonderful Things about Kimia Fisika =D
1. All of your lecture notes are formulas and equations and I am now confused about how I should remember all of them. At least flipping the book again and again is not good for efficiency.
2. Lots of assumptions, until I want to write "assume that my answer is correct"
3. 2 lines of questions with 2 full pages of answers per question.
4. All questions ask the same thing, but with the "terms and conditions" given, you cannot use the same ways and formulas to answer each question. Otherwise you will be advised to throw yourself down a cliff. (I don't know whether it is the right expression anyway XD)
5. All of them are physics and they only try to relate them with chemistry. So this is physics. I really like physics back then in my school-time, but unfortunately thermodynamics is one topic I never understand (beside optics and magnetic field. LOL).
6. I don't feel like I'm a chemistry student this sem. Physical Chemistry is physics. Analytical Chemistry is mathematics. Defense Science is combined, integrated science (or junior high school super-advanced science XD). Green Chemistry is like a social studies. Art of Academic Writing and Entrepreneurship.... What do you expect? No chem at all! Lab? Oh yah, only that module makes me realize that I'm still a student in Chemistry dept., SPMS, NTU. Luckily.
7. All are thermo thermo and thermo. I know these are hot months temperature-wise, don't increase the temperature of my surrounding, please. 20 cts/hr makes me think and think continously whether I should turn on the air-con or not.
2. Lots of assumptions, until I want to write "assume that my answer is correct"
3. 2 lines of questions with 2 full pages of answers per question.
4. All questions ask the same thing, but with the "terms and conditions" given, you cannot use the same ways and formulas to answer each question. Otherwise you will be advised to throw yourself down a cliff. (I don't know whether it is the right expression anyway XD)
5. All of them are physics and they only try to relate them with chemistry. So this is physics. I really like physics back then in my school-time, but unfortunately thermodynamics is one topic I never understand (beside optics and magnetic field. LOL).
6. I don't feel like I'm a chemistry student this sem. Physical Chemistry is physics. Analytical Chemistry is mathematics. Defense Science is combined, integrated science (or junior high school super-advanced science XD). Green Chemistry is like a social studies. Art of Academic Writing and Entrepreneurship.... What do you expect? No chem at all! Lab? Oh yah, only that module makes me realize that I'm still a student in Chemistry dept., SPMS, NTU. Luckily.
7. All are thermo thermo and thermo. I know these are hot months temperature-wise, don't increase the temperature of my surrounding, please. 20 cts/hr makes me think and think continously whether I should turn on the air-con or not.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Bulan Maret dan April biasanya jadi bulan-bulan pemanggangan di NTU. Temperatur jadi bener-bener panas. Bikin sekresi keringat jadi meningkat seiring dengan kondisi hati dan otak yang semakin panas dan berasap (udah deket exam maksudnya =P)
Sekarang ini msh bulan Februari. Tapi rasanya udah 1-2 minggu ini panaaaaaassssssss banget. Bener2x masuk kamar (klo lagi tanpa AC) dan keluar kamar (yg hrsnya banyak angin) gak ada bedanya. Tetep bikin keringat bercucuran. Mau belajar, misalnya. Ke Reading Room, AC lagi rusak. Ke kantin ada AC tp berisik. Ke bench berangin sih tapi ga gt enak, musti bawa2x laptop *dasar emng gw males*, apalagi exam masih lama euy! Moodnya jadi ga enak gitu. Di gym ada AC tapi ya masa' ke gym? Terus minum kopi anget di kamar rasanya jadi kurang menyegarkan. Hiks. Green house effect. =(
Sebenernya bisa pasang AC di kamar, cuma biayanya itu lho... MAHAAAAALLLLLLLL ='( bener2x mikir klo mau pasang AC. Kalo nekat sepanjang hari dimarahin orang tua deh. Gak dikirimin uang jajan. hueh.
Dan anehnya lagi,
dulu, AC cukup dinyalakan selama 1 jam untuk menghasilkan efek dingin selama 2-3 jam.
sekarang, sesaat setelah AC yang telah dinyalakan selama 2 jam dimatikan (karena ingat biaya dan orang tua di rumah dan jumlah uang di bank =P), temperatur langsung meningkat seketika. Keringatpun kembali bercucuran dan hati rasanya tambah panas (give me back my 40 cents! haha)
Solusi sementara sih seperti biasa, buka jendela lebar-lebar dan pasang kipas angin. Gak bisa kenceng2x jg kipas anginnya, kalo terlalu kenceng anginnya ga enak dan debu kamar kemana2x.. Since gw juga ga setiap hari bersih2x yea.. Tapi okelah, paling ga sufficient daripada kepanggang di dalam kamar.
Dan ini baru permulaan "musim panas" di NTU. Bulan-bulan kedepan bisa lebih panas lagi. Tahun lalu puncaknya pas exam. Di kamar sekarang ada AC sih so ga terlalu sedih lah. Pulang bisa nyalain AC. Tapi ya kendalanya sama dgn di atas, begitu AC mati, jadi sauna gratisan lg =( Kalo dulu, pulang ngebench jam 12 malam tetep maksa mandi dgn air dingin biar ga kepanasan. Itu juga krn kamar dulu ga ada AC. Apakah sekarang nasib akan sama seperti itu? Padahal kan ada AC di kamar. Tapi biayanya mahal. Hiks.
Furthermore.. Kalo gw jadi Summer Research *amin..* gw bakal dipindah ke hall yang tdk ber-AC gara2x hall yg skrg mau dipake buat YOG. hiks hiks. Rasanya bakal sering stay up di lab nih, cuma buat nikmatin AC. Kalo dikira rajin sama bapak profesor sih plus point. hakhakhakhakhak *nada licik*
Good thing is jemuran cepet kering karena matahari di luar sanggup menguapkan uap air in faster rate than usual! no need to worry about kehujanan =D Oh seminggu yg lalu tiba2x sore2x hujan deras.... refreshing sih sbnrnya dari kepanasan fisik dan mental ini. 3 weeks to go to physical and analytical chem tests! ganbatte~
Sekarang ini msh bulan Februari. Tapi rasanya udah 1-2 minggu ini panaaaaaassssssss banget. Bener2x masuk kamar (klo lagi tanpa AC) dan keluar kamar (yg hrsnya banyak angin) gak ada bedanya. Tetep bikin keringat bercucuran. Mau belajar, misalnya. Ke Reading Room, AC lagi rusak. Ke kantin ada AC tp berisik. Ke bench berangin sih tapi ga gt enak, musti bawa2x laptop *dasar emng gw males*, apalagi exam masih lama euy! Moodnya jadi ga enak gitu. Di gym ada AC tapi ya masa' ke gym? Terus minum kopi anget di kamar rasanya jadi kurang menyegarkan. Hiks. Green house effect. =(
Sebenernya bisa pasang AC di kamar, cuma biayanya itu lho... MAHAAAAALLLLLLLL ='( bener2x mikir klo mau pasang AC. Kalo nekat sepanjang hari dimarahin orang tua deh. Gak dikirimin uang jajan. hueh.
Dan anehnya lagi,
dulu, AC cukup dinyalakan selama 1 jam untuk menghasilkan efek dingin selama 2-3 jam.
sekarang, sesaat setelah AC yang telah dinyalakan selama 2 jam dimatikan (karena ingat biaya dan orang tua di rumah dan jumlah uang di bank =P), temperatur langsung meningkat seketika. Keringatpun kembali bercucuran dan hati rasanya tambah panas (give me back my 40 cents! haha)
Solusi sementara sih seperti biasa, buka jendela lebar-lebar dan pasang kipas angin. Gak bisa kenceng2x jg kipas anginnya, kalo terlalu kenceng anginnya ga enak dan debu kamar kemana2x.. Since gw juga ga setiap hari bersih2x yea.. Tapi okelah, paling ga sufficient daripada kepanggang di dalam kamar.
Dan ini baru permulaan "musim panas" di NTU. Bulan-bulan kedepan bisa lebih panas lagi. Tahun lalu puncaknya pas exam. Di kamar sekarang ada AC sih so ga terlalu sedih lah. Pulang bisa nyalain AC. Tapi ya kendalanya sama dgn di atas, begitu AC mati, jadi sauna gratisan lg =( Kalo dulu, pulang ngebench jam 12 malam tetep maksa mandi dgn air dingin biar ga kepanasan. Itu juga krn kamar dulu ga ada AC. Apakah sekarang nasib akan sama seperti itu? Padahal kan ada AC di kamar. Tapi biayanya mahal. Hiks.
Furthermore.. Kalo gw jadi Summer Research *amin..* gw bakal dipindah ke hall yang tdk ber-AC gara2x hall yg skrg mau dipake buat YOG. hiks hiks. Rasanya bakal sering stay up di lab nih, cuma buat nikmatin AC. Kalo dikira rajin sama bapak profesor sih plus point. hakhakhakhakhak *nada licik*
Good thing is jemuran cepet kering karena matahari di luar sanggup menguapkan uap air in faster rate than usual! no need to worry about kehujanan =D Oh seminggu yg lalu tiba2x sore2x hujan deras.... refreshing sih sbnrnya dari kepanasan fisik dan mental ini. 3 weeks to go to physical and analytical chem tests! ganbatte~
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Buku Physical Chem-ku yang lucu
Di buku physical chem yg dipake oleh Chemistry dept. nya NTU, ada beberapa jenis soal (self-test, discussion, exercise, problem). Tapi yang diwajibkan oleh si mbah lecturer cuma the latter 3.
Ketiga(empat)nya meningkat dalam tingkat kesulitan. Dan meningkatnya bener2x keliatan. Degradasi banget dah.
Self-test (ga diwajibkan untuk dikerjakan sama the almighty lecturer): kalo katanya nyonya salim, kalo bikin salah pas exam tuh yang tau cuma kita ama dosen, kalo ngajar, yg tau murid sekelas kecuali muridnya ga tau kalo gurunya salah. Kalo self-test, yang tau cuma diri lo sendiri. Santai~
Discussion: yah tipe "lalala~" gitu deh. Namanya juga diskusi. Ngobrol-ngobrol warung kopi sambil nonton berita TV, menikmati hidup, kadang topiknya bikin mikir tapi ya gitulah diskusi. 1 soal 5' ditambah balik2x lecture notes.
Exercise: Bikin berkeringat sedikit. Kayak exercise di olahraga: jogging, treadmill, nge-gym,angkat besi. Okelah untuk membugarkan tubuh dan senam otak (limitnya kira2x berasa otak mandi krn basah keringat - blm sampe berasap)
Problem: Seperti namanya. Bener2x MASALAH. Kira2x tau lah ya.. Masalah.Temennya Jeng Kelin Seperti krisis ekonomi global dan banjir besar. Jengkel dah. Bolak balik lecture notes juga blm tentu bisa ngerjain.. Hih..
Melihat yang terakhir (Problem - yg mana gw percaya itu standard exam).
susah sih susah tapi karena emang suka fisika jadi gimana dong.. hahahaha
Ketiga(empat)nya meningkat dalam tingkat kesulitan. Dan meningkatnya bener2x keliatan. Degradasi banget dah.
Self-test (ga diwajibkan untuk dikerjakan sama the almighty lecturer): kalo katanya nyonya salim, kalo bikin salah pas exam tuh yang tau cuma kita ama dosen, kalo ngajar, yg tau murid sekelas kecuali muridnya ga tau kalo gurunya salah. Kalo self-test, yang tau cuma diri lo sendiri. Santai~
Discussion: yah tipe "lalala~" gitu deh. Namanya juga diskusi. Ngobrol-ngobrol warung kopi sambil nonton berita TV, menikmati hidup, kadang topiknya bikin mikir tapi ya gitulah diskusi. 1 soal 5' ditambah balik2x lecture notes.
Exercise: Bikin berkeringat sedikit. Kayak exercise di olahraga: jogging, treadmill, nge-gym,
Problem: Seperti namanya. Bener2x MASALAH. Kira2x tau lah ya.. Masalah.
Melihat yang terakhir (Problem - yg mana gw percaya itu standard exam).
susah sih susah tapi karena emang suka fisika jadi gimana dong.. hahahaha
Monday, February 15, 2010
I was brought one step closer to God
Kalo ada yang gw syukuri banget dengan teman2x dan saudara2x saya, apalagi selama masa kritis (baca: CNY holiday) ini, itu adalah kelihaian teman2x saya dalam hal membeli bahan masakan dan memasak.
Refer ke posting sebelumnya, dimana kalo lagi CNY itu kantin2x pada tutup dan kalopun buka harganya jadi selangit =( punya temen2x super "cui" dan yang super handal dalam memasak adalah suatu berkah dari Tuhan Yesus yang sangat super. Makanan enakdan sinful juga jadi hrs bertobat dhe ^^ haha, one step closer to God katanya si EO sih plus harga murah meriah. yeay~
Menu hari jumat berupa 7 bakso + mie + jamur enoki + tahu dan nasi yang ga sempet dimakan karena udah terlanjur terkapar di siang hari dan spaghetti (yang juga bkin super kenyang) utk makan malam hanyalah berharga 2.8 dolar saja! Luar biasa teman-temanku... Semoga tahun depan tradisi ini berlanjut.. hihi..
Karunia lain yang dimiliki teman-teman saya itu yang sangat saya syukuri adalah kehandalan mereka dalam bermain! yak. Sangat baik dilakukan di libur seperti ini. Tidak lupa dengan ketersediaan alat2x mereka (board games, computer games, wii, kartu, dll) yang membuat libur menjadi lebih ceria =D
Hari ini masak-masak lagi, di tempat Papi Kumbang. Yah walaupun EOnya bukan dia sih tapi dia juga ada, toh rumah dia itu kan.. Haha. Bu Kembang ga ada sih tapi.
Gw sendiri dateng telat, waktu temen2x gw lagi pada maen Settlers of Catan. Saya sedang perlu tutorial utk board games seperti ini. Bener2x dodol. Haha. Cuma bisa bengong gw disana. Gak lama kemudian si SBW dateng dan...
ngajak maen UNO Stacko.
games inilah daya tarik utama terima undangan masak-masak di tempat pak kumbang (yg sbnrnya diprakarsai oleh ko M dan ci Z.. hihi).
Tanpa pikir panjang, saya, SBW dan beberapa orang lainnya lgs menghajar setumpuk balok warna-warni demi terciptanya beberapa posisi kritis. Rekor saya adalah 1 kali jatuh dari 10 ronde! wihiiiii!
Karena udah eneg dengan UNO stacko (10 kali! ini bukan mau latihan turnamen!) akhirnya pindah main Saboteur. Masih harus mempertajam kelihaian dalam permainan seperti ini. Hahahaha. I need more practice. Seperti layaknya latihan soal organic. ckckck.
Pusing dengan Saboteur, saya ganti main wii. Lagi main Mario cart. Huhauhauhaua. Jadi inget zaman CTR di PS 1 dulu. Maenan waktu SD. Akhirnya adaptasi lagi sama Mario cart, since wii kan pake joystick etc etc gitu.. *kelamaan di lab jadi ga tau wii kayak apa*
Yah seru sih, teriak2x gitu (buat gangguin). Not bad juga sih resultnya, lumayan oke rank ny walaupun handlingnya masih suka keteteran dan di beberapa map/circuit/lap/whatever sangat butuh improvement. Hahaha. Furthermore gw cuma berani melawan satu orang dari empat orang yg maen mario cart selama 3-4 jam. 2 laennya jago euy. Jauh lah levelnya. Jadi pengen beli wii (or the better version of it) kalo udah lulus dan kerja dan ga tinggal di NTU lg. hehehe.
Berasa gamer yang bakal serius nge-game -____-
And for today :
bakso (still 7 meatballs/person) + nasi goreng + pasta carbonara + salad + minum free flow seenak jidat (kasian yg pny rumah) = S$ 4 only! Sudah termasuk biaya listrik (buat maen dan ntn TV), air (buat nyuci piring) dan tetangga2x si koko yg terganggu. Sampe si IK bilang, makan CNY lebih murah daripada makan hari2x biasa di kantin. Huahauhaua.
Amazing talents and amazing long holiday..
And I have lots lots lots lots of things to do.
Refer ke posting sebelumnya, dimana kalo lagi CNY itu kantin2x pada tutup dan kalopun buka harganya jadi selangit =( punya temen2x super "cui" dan yang super handal dalam memasak adalah suatu berkah dari Tuhan Yesus yang sangat super. Makanan enak
Menu hari jumat berupa 7 bakso + mie + jamur enoki + tahu dan nasi yang ga sempet dimakan karena udah terlanjur terkapar di siang hari dan spaghetti (yang juga bkin super kenyang) utk makan malam hanyalah berharga 2.8 dolar saja! Luar biasa teman-temanku... Semoga tahun depan tradisi ini berlanjut.. hihi..
Karunia lain yang dimiliki teman-teman saya itu yang sangat saya syukuri adalah kehandalan mereka dalam bermain! yak. Sangat baik dilakukan di libur seperti ini. Tidak lupa dengan ketersediaan alat2x mereka (board games, computer games, wii, kartu, dll) yang membuat libur menjadi lebih ceria =D
Hari ini masak-masak lagi, di tempat Papi Kumbang. Yah walaupun EOnya bukan dia sih tapi dia juga ada, toh rumah dia itu kan.. Haha. Bu Kembang ga ada sih tapi.
Gw sendiri dateng telat, waktu temen2x gw lagi pada maen Settlers of Catan. Saya sedang perlu tutorial utk board games seperti ini. Bener2x dodol. Haha. Cuma bisa bengong gw disana. Gak lama kemudian si SBW dateng dan...
ngajak maen UNO Stacko.
Tanpa pikir panjang, saya, SBW dan beberapa orang lainnya lgs menghajar setumpuk balok warna-warni demi terciptanya beberapa posisi kritis. Rekor saya adalah 1 kali jatuh dari 10 ronde! wihiiiii!
Karena udah eneg dengan UNO stacko (10 kali! ini bukan mau latihan turnamen!) akhirnya pindah main Saboteur. Masih harus mempertajam kelihaian dalam permainan seperti ini. Hahahaha. I need more practice. Seperti layaknya latihan soal organic. ckckck.
Pusing dengan Saboteur, saya ganti main wii. Lagi main Mario cart. Huhauhauhaua. Jadi inget zaman CTR di PS 1 dulu. Maenan waktu SD. Akhirnya adaptasi lagi sama Mario cart, since wii kan pake joystick etc etc gitu.. *kelamaan di lab jadi ga tau wii kayak apa*
Yah seru sih, teriak2x gitu (buat gangguin). Not bad juga sih resultnya, lumayan oke rank ny walaupun handlingnya masih suka keteteran dan di beberapa map/circuit/lap/whatever sangat butuh improvement. Hahaha. Furthermore gw cuma berani melawan satu orang dari empat orang yg maen mario cart selama 3-4 jam. 2 laennya jago euy. Jauh lah levelnya. Jadi pengen beli wii (or the better version of it) kalo udah lulus dan kerja dan ga tinggal di NTU lg. hehehe.
Berasa gamer yang bakal serius nge-game -____-
And for today :
bakso (still 7 meatballs/person) + nasi goreng + pasta carbonara + salad + minum free flow seenak jidat (kasian yg pny rumah) = S$ 4 only! Sudah termasuk biaya listrik (buat maen dan ntn TV), air (buat nyuci piring) dan tetangga2x si koko yg terganggu. Sampe si IK bilang, makan CNY lebih murah daripada makan hari2x biasa di kantin. Huahauhaua.
Amazing talents and amazing long holiday..
And I have lots lots lots lots of things to do.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
canteens closed.
Lately my diet (read: food consumption) was not normal. Blame it to MILO mcflurry and McTwister. and dont forget myself who can't resist the temptations from them.
Today is 1 day before CNY (Chinese New Year). Since the days fell on weekend and first day of weekday (Sunday and Monday) the government shifted the off-day to Tuesday. So we have 4 days of CNY holiday : Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Too bad,
all NTU canteens are closed during CNY.
if it's open then the prices will be beyond normal ='(
It is common if during CNY holiday, all kitchenettes of NTU halls of residence are occupied by students who are staying on campus during those faithful days. Alternatively, students can go to their friends' house out there or so fortunate if they have relatives in Singapore. Family reunion dinner awaits ^^
Bad news for me, all my family members in Singapore are going back to Indonesia during this holiday!
I have to cook by myself or together with my friends. Or go to the 2nd option which is going to my friends' house (which is now considered.. at least they are much better chef! haha).
And today's lunch and dinner together was really....
After those days trying to avoid the sinful attempts of those nice but calorie-ful foods,
all my friends were good chefs, and they cooked nice and too much food! I was forced to eat a lot.... Aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Lunch was meatballs with tofu, enoki mushroom and noodle. Don't forget the rice. I was in the kitchen, frying the tofu, when Pak Kumbang realizes that...
There were 132 nice-smelt meatballs inside.
And since there were 17 people that finally came up for this "fellowship",
1 person will get the minimum of 7 meatballs.
7 meatballs + 1 tofu + half egg + enoki mushroom + noodle (plus a jasmine tea with rubber taste.. strange) ---> BLOATED.
I stopped on the 4th meatball, leaving 3 meatballs + half tofu + a quarter of egg + LOTS of noodle.
But, since I was home-educated with a principle of "never waste food" then I need ~30 minutes to finish all of them. Bloated, sinful, and fainted. Yawn.
Then I helped to cleanand defend the kitchen. Really tired and sleepy afterwards.
A bee stung my feet, luckily my friend killed it around 1 hour later. Haha. I immediately tried to take the blood out the affected area, hoping to get rid of the poison. We played cards ("tepokan" in Indonesia, but intermediate level of it, haha) and then my friend came up to complete the fellowshipping day by giving this quote.

HT : *looked amazed* "wow. vouchers?"
SQ vouchers in those amount? we would have a free trip by SQ in years to come!
For dinner, we had a spaghetti. The amount was also TOO MUCH (half a standard lunch-set box), and I can still feel that I'm bloated because of today's eateries. Yeah.
Although I was bloated, when my friends were playing citadel, I continously took Lays from the sack and dip it to a cheese spread. Yummy. But sinful. Plus Oreo as well.
Sinful sinful. Have to be more careful and less-tempted with my food consumption.
Today is 1 day before CNY (Chinese New Year). Since the days fell on weekend and first day of weekday (Sunday and Monday) the government shifted the off-day to Tuesday. So we have 4 days of CNY holiday : Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Too bad,
all NTU canteens are closed during CNY.
if it's open then the prices will be beyond normal ='(
It is common if during CNY holiday, all kitchenettes of NTU halls of residence are occupied by students who are staying on campus during those faithful days. Alternatively, students can go to their friends' house out there or so fortunate if they have relatives in Singapore. Family reunion dinner awaits ^^
Bad news for me, all my family members in Singapore are going back to Indonesia during this holiday!
I have to cook by myself or together with my friends. Or go to the 2nd option which is going to my friends' house (which is now considered.. at least they are much better chef! haha).
And today's lunch and dinner together was really....
After those days trying to avoid the sinful attempts of those nice but calorie-ful foods,
all my friends were good chefs, and they cooked nice and too much food! I was forced to eat a lot.... Aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Lunch was meatballs with tofu, enoki mushroom and noodle. Don't forget the rice. I was in the kitchen, frying the tofu, when Pak Kumbang realizes that...
There were 132 nice-smelt meatballs inside.
And since there were 17 people that finally came up for this "fellowship",
1 person will get the minimum of 7 meatballs.
7 meatballs + 1 tofu + half egg + enoki mushroom + noodle (plus a jasmine tea with rubber taste.. strange) ---> BLOATED.
I stopped on the 4th meatball, leaving 3 meatballs + half tofu + a quarter of egg + LOTS of noodle.
But, since I was home-educated with a principle of "never waste food" then I need ~30 minutes to finish all of them. Bloated, sinful, and fainted. Yawn.
Then I helped to clean
A bee stung my feet, luckily my friend killed it around 1 hour later. Haha. I immediately tried to take the blood out the affected area, hoping to get rid of the poison. We played cards ("tepokan" in Indonesia, but intermediate level of it, haha) and then my friend came up to complete the fellowshipping day by giving this quote.

HT : *looked amazed* "wow. vouchers?"
For dinner, we had a spaghetti. The amount was also TOO MUCH (half a standard lunch-set box), and I can still feel that I'm bloated because of today's eateries. Yeah.
Although I was bloated, when my friends were playing citadel, I continously took Lays from the sack and dip it to a cheese spread. Yummy. But sinful. Plus Oreo as well.
Sinful sinful. Have to be more careful and less-tempted with my food consumption.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
life goes on
International Games 2010 has been finished. Quite a satisfactory. Really thankful for the opportunity given and the experiences, as well as knowing new people. Aestus, Amicus, Concordis.
And let's go back to reality.
A life filled with those lively apparatus' concepts and analytical methods.
... made-to-life thermodynamics and equlibria.
... "go green" campaigns that made your face become green due to educational toxicity =D
... artistic writing, still with diagrams and reaction mechanisms, and accounting-marketing-creative thinking principles to be applied in the ways to manage to get your own money and settle down =D
... learning how to save yourself on attacks
... get real in how to apply the methods and thermodynamics principles
A life with continous learning
... learn how to cope up with problems
... learn how to help people with their problems
... learn how to teach (even though I found my interest in lab work much more)
... learn how to bind and make a chemistry to chemistry itself
... learn to know His words and His will
... learn how to make those learning become a fruitful one and perhaps, a blessing for others as well =)
and doing the ministry and be His servant with being humble upon Him =) 3 months to go ALL! Keep it up! But never let this flame on us dies after the mission is released from us.
Happy catch-up-ing!~
anwy this is very late, but since almost everyone talks about this and posts on their blog also, so...
And let's go back to reality.
A life filled with those lively apparatus' concepts and analytical methods.
... made-to-life thermodynamics and equlibria.
... "go green" campaigns that made your face become green due to educational toxicity =D
... artistic writing, still with diagrams and reaction mechanisms, and accounting-marketing-creative thinking principles to be applied in the ways to manage to get your own money and settle down =D
... learning how to save yourself on attacks
... get real in how to apply the methods and thermodynamics principles
A life with continous learning
... learn how to cope up with problems
... learn how to help people with their problems
... learn how to teach (even though I found my interest in lab work much more)
... learn how to bind and make a chemistry to chemistry itself
... learn to know His words and His will
... learn how to make those learning become a fruitful one and perhaps, a blessing for others as well =)
and doing the ministry and be His servant with being humble upon Him =) 3 months to go ALL! Keep it up! But never let this flame on us dies after the mission is released from us.
Happy catch-up-ing!~
anwy this is very late, but since almost everyone talks about this and posts on their blog also, so...
congrats pak kumbang dan bu kembang (to contextualize with current situation, let's say happy 1 month anniversary)~ it is God, whom you put your lives into, who guide you through the contemplation and enables you to walk this journey together. be a blessing for those people surround you, especially your 4+2 AKTBsnice to have 4 new brothers in Christ and a big big family in Christ.. me and mels made the family tree and... WOW. very messy one. really a big family that spreads widely. haha =D(cycloaddition?), and may you treasure this new-but-going-strong relationship together with and in the name of God =)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
About light and electron jump.
Why is fluorescence more sensitive than UV-vis absorption spectroscopy?
Fluorescence measures emission at a blank background while absorption spectroscopy measures the amount of radiation that gets absorbed by the compound. Fluorescence is like seeing a strike of light on a dark background while absorption spectroscopy is seeing a diminished light in a bright bright background. Therefore, fluorescence has more ability to be observed than absorption spectroscopy.
And just today I found the application of those machines' principle into the real life, yah I mean people's life, not machines' nor apparatus' lives:
A reflection of mine on the past discussion during holiday between me and my teacher (ok, my status had been raised to fellow teaching partner, LOL)
Fluorescence measures emission at a blank background while absorption spectroscopy measures the amount of radiation that gets absorbed by the compound. Fluorescence is like seeing a strike of light on a dark background while absorption spectroscopy is seeing a diminished light in a bright bright background. Therefore, fluorescence has more ability to be observed than absorption spectroscopy.
And just today I found the application of those machines' principle into the real life, yah I mean people's life, not machines' nor apparatus' lives:
Seeing a bright person when you have already known that there is another person which is brighter makes you think that the first person is not bright.
A reflection of mine on the past discussion during holiday between me and my teacher (ok, my status had been raised to fellow teaching partner, LOL)
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