Tuesday, February 9, 2010

About light and electron jump.

Why is fluorescence more sensitive than UV-vis absorption spectroscopy?
Fluorescence measures emission at a blank background while absorption spectroscopy measures the amount of radiation that gets absorbed by the compound. Fluorescence is like seeing a strike of light on a dark background while absorption spectroscopy is seeing a diminished light in a bright bright background. Therefore, fluorescence has more ability to be observed than absorption spectroscopy.

And just today I found the application of those machines' principle into the real life, yah I mean people's life, not machines' nor apparatus' lives:
Seeing a bright person when you have already known that there is another person which is brighter makes you think that the first person is not bright.

A reflection of mine on the past discussion during holiday between me and my teacher (ok, my status had been raised to fellow teaching partner, LOL)

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