during the match: "...Nakamyura..." (should be Nakamura)
during the 4th penalty shoot out: "...Keisuki..." (should be Keisuke)
it's fun to hear. my name is hard to be pronounced by the English-native-speaker though ^^" (good that my German tutor and my born-in-Chech Rep.-stayed-in-Spain-and-Japan prof can pronounce my name well! haha!)
So sad the Japanese could not make it to the next round. So it meant that Asians did not have anymore representative on the FIFA World Cup.
Well done for the Blue Samurai, though. Like the Tsubasa-styled (yeah, the Captain Tsubasa manga and anime..) two free-kicks at the previous match ^^
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Grateful for this night
I supposed to watch the current match of Japan vs Paraguay at my friends'. Well, not supposed, I planned, but since my friend said "you paid for this, so you must make yourself satisfied" (FYI, watching football on Singapore TV is not free, so all of us share money to pay the license), so I made it into supposed.
But then, I felt really tired. Sigh. Lab work at day, data processing at home at night, doing daily chores, and sometimes going to my friends' place to watch football on TV. Plus occasional activities such as going to church on the weekend, shopping, meeting my cousins and relatives, and attending a holy matrimony. Ouch. I need rest. A lot.
But too much rest lead to more tiredness. I think this is what actually happens to me. LOL.
I did not go and watched the match by streaming instead. But I felt grateful for this! Why?
But then, I felt really tired. Sigh. Lab work at day, data processing at home at night, doing daily chores, and sometimes going to my friends' place to watch football on TV. Plus occasional activities such as going to church on the weekend, shopping, meeting my cousins and relatives, and attending a holy matrimony. Ouch. I need rest. A lot.
I did not go and watched the match by streaming instead. But I felt grateful for this! Why?
- My mom called and we talked a lot.
- I managed to chat with one of my good friend in Indonesia
until I could not concentrate in watching football nor doing the data processing. Too bad that she's going to have a trip in Singapore while I'm at Indonesia! - The match has not ended yet, 2 x 25' extra time had been imposed and the result was still 0:0, so they are going to have a penalty shoot out after this.
If I watched there, I would not be able to catch the last bus if I wanted to watch this match until the end, or, I must have left the match and caught the last bus. I would not want to stay back and go home the next day, though. I need some rest to work tomorrow. But leaving a match before it ended was not a good idea as well.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Living a sinless and smart life?
The latest news about the big entertainment scandal is getting hotter and hotter. (in Bahasa Indonesia: semakin panas, dan semakin pedas)
As the main "actor" was caught by force by the police, it seems that they are trying to make it clear that the videos were made by them. But then, I personally felt that the statements, the comments and the image the authorities are trying to make are leading ones, and they do not hold the statement "innocent until proven guilty", which Indonesia's law supposedly holds (oh, is it still this?).
This case is at the same stage of popularity as the FIFA World Cup in South Africa right now. Based on one local newspaper's website, the articles about this case are mostly within the "top 5 news of the day" list. I even notice that there are more people reading this than the review of Djarum Indonesian Open Super Series 2010. How sad. When your athletes, that have presented medals in Olympic Games, won BWF Super Series, and fought for the three most prestigious cups in Badminton: Thomas, Uber and Sudirman Cup, are bringing the proud of the nation at this event, you are more keen to see how those people fighting for popularity and accusating each other (OK, this rant holds for World Cup as well, since the Indonesian soccer is definitely not as good as our badminton). I believe that the police still have other things to do (corruption, that national disaster that has lasted for years, etc), but lately I do not hear they are taking care about those, only that scandal, scandal and scandal.
And lately I read the news in one of the leading news websites about two certain people commenting on this. One of them is trying to put them at stake, and the other was in the same scandal (but different "partner") as this. One of them accused all the parties, saying that they were to be banned for making such videos (which, until this time, have yet been proven that they are made by "them"). Not only once, but in multiple times. I think he had forgotten the case years ago, when he had an affair (minus the video) until his "partner" bore a child.
The other one accused the main actress as being not smart. Weeeell, she also did an affair, though, and she is not smart, either. Sitting and "chill"-ing together with the Parliament members do not always make you "smart" to be a leaderby popularity, though. Moreover, you did an affair with one of them. Hmmm. That girl is smarter than you (except for her choice of man.. ouch) at least, she gained all the popularity by hard work, and she spends her money in fairly a good manner (doing business). Oh yah, I forget that you also gained your "popularity" by work. By doing "it" and recording "it". Yeah, it was supposedly considered as work.
Then they are talking now like they are living a sinless and smart life. Like they never see their past.
IMO, if their motivation is really popularity, I'm not sure if the "actors and actresses" popularity will decrease because of this case, since they had considerably significant achievements. It may be talked by all people for a while, but after that, everyone will stay calm and start ranting about another thing (politics, economy..). As example, see our athlete with inital TH, who became the headline in all the news when he changed girlfriends, he wedded the daughter of a politician, or even when he was accused to had a child outside of a marriage! But his achievement outweighed those "unfortunate events". Anyone forgets on how Indonesian badminton athletes, so far, have a tradition of bringing at least one gold medal home on Olympic Games since the game was started to be played there at 1992? He's in the list of the gold medallists! Now that he is not as popular as before, and does not have as many achivements as before, is because of age, not because of gossip.
People and popularity nowadays.
Oh I'm not in anyone's side. If I don't like anyone/any sides, it does not mean that I support the side they are attacking.
Hopefully I'm not seen as doing things as jerk as them.
As the main "actor" was caught by force by the police, it seems that they are trying to make it clear that the videos were made by them. But then, I personally felt that the statements, the comments and the image the authorities are trying to make are leading ones, and they do not hold the statement "innocent until proven guilty", which Indonesia's law supposedly holds (oh, is it still this?).
This case is at the same stage of popularity as the FIFA World Cup in South Africa right now. Based on one local newspaper's website, the articles about this case are mostly within the "top 5 news of the day" list. I even notice that there are more people reading this than the review of Djarum Indonesian Open Super Series 2010. How sad. When your athletes, that have presented medals in Olympic Games, won BWF Super Series, and fought for the three most prestigious cups in Badminton: Thomas, Uber and Sudirman Cup, are bringing the proud of the nation at this event, you are more keen to see how those people fighting for popularity and accusating each other (OK, this rant holds for World Cup as well, since the Indonesian soccer is definitely not as good as our badminton). I believe that the police still have other things to do (corruption, that national disaster that has lasted for years, etc), but lately I do not hear they are taking care about those, only that scandal, scandal and scandal.
And lately I read the news in one of the leading news websites about two certain people commenting on this. One of them is trying to put them at stake, and the other was in the same scandal (but different "partner") as this. One of them accused all the parties, saying that they were to be banned for making such videos (which, until this time, have yet been proven that they are made by "them"). Not only once, but in multiple times. I think he had forgotten the case years ago, when he had an affair (minus the video) until his "partner" bore a child.
The other one accused the main actress as being not smart. Weeeell, she also did an affair, though, and she is not smart, either. Sitting and "chill"-ing together with the Parliament members do not always make you "smart" to be a leader
Then they are talking now like they are living a sinless and smart life. Like they never see their past.
IMO, if their motivation is really popularity, I'm not sure if the "actors and actresses" popularity will decrease because of this case, since they had considerably significant achievements. It may be talked by all people for a while, but after that, everyone will stay calm and start ranting about another thing (politics, economy..). As example, see our athlete with inital TH, who became the headline in all the news when he changed girlfriends, he wedded the daughter of a politician, or even when he was accused to had a child outside of a marriage! But his achievement outweighed those "unfortunate events". Anyone forgets on how Indonesian badminton athletes, so far, have a tradition of bringing at least one gold medal home on Olympic Games since the game was started to be played there at 1992? He's in the list of the gold medallists! Now that he is not as popular as before, and does not have as many achivements as before, is because of age, not because of gossip.
People and popularity nowadays.
Oh I'm not in anyone's side. If I don't like anyone/any sides, it does not mean that I support the side they are attacking.
Hopefully I'm not seen as doing things as jerk as them.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Chemicals inside flasks.
I'm not a freak, nor a nerd. So don't think that I'm one.
I'm just a simple girl who loves details, small things, photos, amateur photography, Japan, and chemistry =)
And I believe that everyone has the right to love the things they love, to realize their dreams, so no people fall under the category of "nerds" only because of their interests.
I wanted to change the background and the layout of this blog since long time ago. But, I did not have enough time to do it; research took most of my time, and I had a lot of to-do list to accomplish. However, recently I found that Blogger employed a new feature called 'design' with sufficient settings I needed. So I just use the background that I like - this background under "science" category.
I had been choosing between the background of photos, photographer, LOTS of patterns, and any other layouts and pictures that captured myheart brain *seems like I'm living a heartless life..*. But finally I chose this. I like the color (well, this is the first thing that I look at when I see pictures), I like the ambience it created, and on the top of those, it resembles the thing that I like ^^
Scientists are not nerds. They simply love doing this, that's all!
I'm not a freak, nor a nerd. So don't think that I'm one.
I'm just a simple girl who loves details, small things, photos, amateur photography, Japan, and chemistry =)
And I believe that everyone has the right to love the things they love, to realize their dreams, so no people fall under the category of "nerds" only because of their interests.
I wanted to change the background and the layout of this blog since long time ago. But, I did not have enough time to do it; research took most of my time, and I had a lot of to-do list to accomplish. However, recently I found that Blogger employed a new feature called 'design' with sufficient settings I needed. So I just use the background that I like - this background under "science" category.
I had been choosing between the background of photos, photographer, LOTS of patterns, and any other layouts and pictures that captured my
Scientists are not nerds. They simply love doing this, that's all!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Portugal 7-0 North Korea
Match yang sebenernya ga gitu gimana, cuma perolehan skornya yang menandakan kalo emang ada apa-apa ^^"
Untung belum ngalahin nyampahnya Jerman 8 tahun lalu ke gawang Arab Saudi, 8-0.. gawat.
Kalo beritanya, pasti sudah beredar dimana-mana, ga perlu di-post lagi. 3 gol dalam waktu 7 menit pasti sudah cukup jadi top post dimana2x. 7-0 dengan 6 gol di half-time kedua, berarti rata2x ada 1 gol setiap 7.5 menit (ga itung additional time, kalo itung, berarti 1 gol setial 7.83 menit)
Setelah match tadi saya pergi ke tempat temen buat ambil barang. Di perjalanan pulang, saya ketemu 2 orang. Yang satu baru pulang kerja, yang satunya lagi menyambut dengan uluran tangan terbuka *lho?*
Si bapak yang baru pulang kerja bilang:
"Portugal, 7-0 right? Yes I watched it. I watched for 10 minutes and saw 3 goals."
Beruntungnya Anda, Mas, menonton match yang tepat. 10 menit saja bisa liat 3 gol.
Saya sendiri juga beruntung. Tadinya saya berniat nonton match ini dari awal sampe abis. Tapi karena mata ini lagi ga bisa diajak kompromimeskipun udah disogok pake video ariel-luna-tari, dan pulau kapuk lebih menyenangkan daripada lapangan hijau ^____^ jadilah saya tertidur setelah gol pertama (dan si streaming bapuk juga sudah membuat saya baru mulai nonton 7 menit setelah kick-off.. swt!!).
Saya bangun beberapa menit kemudian, melihat temen saya nge-nudge di msn, kemudian meng-klik tab streaming bola untuk melihat.... gol kedua ^^ yeah. Ga ada gol terlewatkan. Meskipun gol keempat dan ketujuh terjadi saat saya lagi meleng.
Saya ucapkan selamat (meskipun tdk rela) kepada CR (entah CR7 atau 9, bingung lama2x mana yg bener) yang sudah mencetak gol setelah masa kebuntuan setelah Euro 2008!
Sekarang jadi mencemaskan Perancis. Dan Jerman.
Btw, yang video itu cuma bercanda. Saya ga pernah nonton videonya, for sure. Belum mencapai tahap se-kepo itu untuksebuah tiga buah video klip fenomenal.
Kalo beritanya, pasti sudah beredar dimana-mana, ga perlu di-post lagi. 3 gol dalam waktu 7 menit pasti sudah cukup jadi top post dimana2x. 7-0 dengan 6 gol di half-time kedua, berarti rata2x ada 1 gol setiap 7.5 menit (ga itung additional time, kalo itung, berarti 1 gol setial 7.83 menit)
Setelah match tadi saya pergi ke tempat temen buat ambil barang. Di perjalanan pulang, saya ketemu 2 orang. Yang satu baru pulang kerja, yang satunya lagi menyambut dengan uluran tangan terbuka *lho?*
Si bapak yang baru pulang kerja bilang:
"Portugal, 7-0 right? Yes I watched it. I watched for 10 minutes and saw 3 goals."
Beruntungnya Anda, Mas, menonton match yang tepat. 10 menit saja bisa liat 3 gol.
Saya sendiri juga beruntung. Tadinya saya berniat nonton match ini dari awal sampe abis. Tapi karena mata ini lagi ga bisa diajak kompromi
Saya bangun beberapa menit kemudian, melihat temen saya nge-nudge di msn, kemudian meng-klik tab streaming bola untuk melihat.... gol kedua ^^ yeah. Ga ada gol terlewatkan. Meskipun gol keempat dan ketujuh terjadi saat saya lagi meleng.
Saya ucapkan selamat (meskipun tdk rela) kepada CR (entah CR7 atau 9, bingung lama2x mana yg bener) yang sudah mencetak gol setelah masa kebuntuan setelah Euro 2008!
Sekarang jadi mencemaskan Perancis. Dan Jerman.
Btw, yang video itu cuma bercanda. Saya ga pernah nonton videonya, for sure. Belum mencapai tahap se-kepo itu untuk
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Li-Ning Singapore Open Super Series 2010
One of my wishlist has again been achieved!
After some hesitation and uncertain feelings about whether I should go there or no, after church I randomly went there!
Really sorry for ko M and ci Z that I asked them to hog a seat for me next to them.. Hahaha.. Gomen ne, I was mosquito-ing both of you! Then, we were about to go back, I decided to stop interfering them and go with some friends from NTU (who incidentally, watch the final match too!) and left them alone =D
Glad that I knew they were coming, since my friend decided not to go at Saturday (yesterday) night. I thought I just watched it on TV, but when I heard that they were coming (from papi kumbang, ko M's roommate =P blame him, ko M! hahahaha =P)I messaged them I urged papi kumbang to message them then I came along randomly and absent-mindedly! Hahahaha~~ thx pi..
Happy to see Sony won, started when he defeated Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia at quarter final, and his opponent from India at semi final, then he won over Thailand's Boonsak Ponsana today!
Also surprised of Singapore's Women's Double, Shinta MS/Yao L who defeated Korea's #1 WD Lee Hyo Jung/Kim Min Jung! Yes, Lee Hyo Jung is that woman who pairs up with Lee Yong Dae to make the #1 XD of the world right now. But, LYD is having injuries right now, so he is not able to come to both Singapore and Indonesia Open.. Lee Hyo Jung, if I'm not mistaken, also played for Korea's Uber team last month, who were able to take the cup from China's domination!~ Wah, the crowd went wild after that match, supporting their players (most of them are Singaporean, I think; a bit surprised that they would come at this World Cup time). Even, at 2nd set, the S'porean managed to catch up the score from 16-20 to 22-20! *I instantly missed Maria Kristin at that time, so far, for the current team of Indonesia, only her who is able to do that. *Remember Indo Open 2 years back!* So sad for her really-really-bad knee injury.*
And for Lilyana/Nova, I think it was a usual 'habit' that came, they often lose at final. Their match was not a careful and patient one, and I must admit that their opponent (Denmark) played much better!
I would like to post some photos, again, they were taken from handphone (as I came there randomly, without any preparation), so do not expect good quality ones.. =P

the first thing that I look for was : "where's 'welcome' in German?"
then I realize that this is BWF Singapore Open Super Series, not FIFA World Cup


the ticket

light refreshment seller (food and drinks were thrown away RIGHT at the front gate)

sony vs boonsak

sony's medal presentation
(can you see? it is there, at the center, they were in front of the photographers and video-cameramen)

Mixed Doubles, before match
buteeett~~ kyaaa~~~ *padahal kalah*

singapore's crowd after their WD won

I obtained Sony's signature!!!~ thanks kak!
After some hesitation and uncertain feelings about whether I should go there or no, after church I randomly went there!
Really sorry for ko M and ci Z that I asked them to hog a seat for me next to them.. Hahaha.. Gomen ne, I was mosquito-ing both of you! Then, we were about to go back, I decided to stop interfering them and go with some friends from NTU (who incidentally, watch the final match too!) and left them alone =D
Glad that I knew they were coming, since my friend decided not to go at Saturday (yesterday) night. I thought I just watched it on TV, but when I heard that they were coming (from papi kumbang, ko M's roommate =P blame him, ko M! hahahaha =P)
Happy to see Sony won, started when he defeated Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia at quarter final, and his opponent from India at semi final, then he won over Thailand's Boonsak Ponsana today!
Also surprised of Singapore's Women's Double, Shinta MS/Yao L who defeated Korea's #1 WD Lee Hyo Jung/Kim Min Jung! Yes, Lee Hyo Jung is that woman who pairs up with Lee Yong Dae to make the #1 XD of the world right now. But, LYD is having injuries right now, so he is not able to come to both Singapore and Indonesia Open.. Lee Hyo Jung, if I'm not mistaken, also played for Korea's Uber team last month, who were able to take the cup from China's domination!~ Wah, the crowd went wild after that match, supporting their players (most of them are Singaporean, I think; a bit surprised that they would come at this World Cup time). Even, at 2nd set, the S'porean managed to catch up the score from 16-20 to 22-20! *I instantly missed Maria Kristin at that time, so far, for the current team of Indonesia, only her who is able to do that. *Remember Indo Open 2 years back!* So sad for her really-really-bad knee injury.*
And for Lilyana/Nova, I think it was a usual 'habit' that came, they often lose at final. Their match was not a careful and patient one, and I must admit that their opponent (Denmark) played much better!
I would like to post some photos, again, they were taken from handphone (as I came there randomly, without any preparation), so do not expect good quality ones.. =P

the first thing that I look for was : "where's 'welcome' in German?"
then I realize that this is BWF Singapore Open Super Series, not FIFA World Cup


the ticket

light refreshment seller (food and drinks were thrown away RIGHT at the front gate)

sony vs boonsak

sony's medal presentation
(can you see? it is there, at the center, they were in front of the photographers and video-cameramen)

Mixed Doubles, before match
buteeett~~ kyaaa~~~ *padahal kalah*

singapore's crowd after their WD won

I obtained Sony's signature!!!~ thanks kak!
Friday, June 18, 2010
A morning dose of photographs (part 2)
Object: Chinese Heritage Centre (http://www.chineseheritagecentre.org/)
taken from: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
16 June 2010, ~10 am.
*sadly* *still* by phone camera.

*a closer look*

taken from: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
16 June 2010, ~10 am.
*sadly* *still* by phone camera.

*a closer look*

A morning dose of photographs (part 1)
Object: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
16 June 2010, ~10 am
*sadly* by phone camera
A new, American-styled building. Nice object =)



Looks like an American school backyard? This is how HSS' backyard looks like =) Pretty similar.

School building

HSS Library (which is located far, far away from the school).
Looks nice, isn't it? More like shopping mall/shops rather than library from outside. Taken on another day, at night.
16 June 2010, ~10 am
*sadly* by phone camera
A new, American-styled building. Nice object =)



Looks like an American school backyard? This is how HSS' backyard looks like =) Pretty similar.

School building

HSS Library (which is located far, far away from the school).
Looks nice, isn't it? More like shopping mall/shops rather than library from outside. Taken on another day, at night.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
temen saya artis youtube!
Banyak yang bilang, di video ini ada yg mirip sama salah seorang temen saya
credits: moymoy palaboy
Tapi sampe sekarang saya ga ngerasa mirip tuhh.. Centil begitu. Huhauhauhau.
eh tapi saya kurang tau juga sih apakah aslinya temen saya itu centil
Ini malah lebih mirip ama salah satu artisnya project pop.
credits: moymoy palaboy
Tapi sampe sekarang saya ga ngerasa mirip tuhh.. Centil begitu. Huhauhauhau.
Ini malah lebih mirip ama salah satu artisnya project pop.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It's (already) June
Relaxing is hard. Being happy is hard. Achieving dreams is hard. Telling the truth is hard. Accepting is hard. Forgiving is hard. Forgetting is hard.
And, moreover,
moving on is hard.
And, moreover,
moving on is hard.
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