Sunday, September 26, 2010

a note to the talent show

Thanks Indonesia Mencari Bakat, to give back my studying time. Thank you that you have successfully kicked him out of the show, and kept that kid instead. So now I can just stay back and prepare for my mid-terms and catch-up the rest of the lessons. At least, now I don't have anything/anyone to wait and watch at Saturday and Sunday night.
Thanks to do it right when my lessons unfinished business start piling up.

If you know what this post means... =(


Unknown said...

Nonton saja setelah exam.
Gampang, kan?

Achelle said...

ini kayaknya ga ngerti mksd postnya. ahaha.
lagian udah top 4 jd abis exam ya udah kelar yg season ini =P

septian said...

bai2 hudson :p