Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I heard that this became a trending topic in Twitter today?

I just watched the latest (in the US it was shown on Tuesday, equal to today morning in Singapore) episode of Glee.

And one of the last scenes made me want to scream at the top of my lungs!

Aaahhh~ Finn was soooo sweet!!!!~~~

and he made all girls who watched that feel like they want their boys to be like that....
or just jealous towards Rachel.


I suddenly remembered Huckelberry Finn. Huckel(Rachel)berry Finn.
Lame joke. Oh, I shouldn't consider this as joke. That was just lame.

Another lame joke about Glee:
"Glee, glee, glee, glee, baby, baby, baby" (sung with the tune of SNSD's "Gee")

oh nevermind. I bet the New Directions would be able to sing that song better and by "selling" their voice, not their tighs, hips and bellies and after-plastic-surgery faces.

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