Saturday, November 6, 2010


Are any of the names below seem familiar?

Hershlag, Natalie; Ian Hurley and Jonathan Woodward (October 1998)."A Simple Method To Demonstrate the Enzymatic Production of Hydrogen from Sugar". Journal of Chemical Education. 75 (10): 1270.

Figure it out?

Well if no... I will copy what is written in wikipedia:
As a student, Portman co-authored two research papers that were published in professional scientific journals. Her 1998 high school paper, "A Simple Method To Demonstrate the Enzymatic Production of Hydrogen from Sugar," was entered in the Intel Science Talent Search. In 2002, she contributed to a study on memory called "Frontal Lobe Activation During Object Permanence" during her psychology studies at Harvard.

Get some clue?

That journal paper was first-authored by Natalie Hershlag, whose professional name is Natalie Portman.

This young woman.

This super talented, beautiful, Harvard-graduate, Jewish actress who filled my childhood days with Star Wars prequel trilogy (if you understand Bahasa Indonesia, you can browse my earlier posts if you want) and all those good movies..

She published a journal paper at J. Chem. Ed., a journal cited the most in my teaching lab manual, as a first author when she was still in high school. That time I did not even think that I would pass NTU entrance exam. And I just had a similar chance in my 2nd year in uni.

She published a chemistry paper in a journal and later studied psychology. In Harvard University.

She is smart, both academically (HARVARD!!!!) and *erm, what should I call this? entertainment-ly? socially? don't think any of those words fit my description..*. She is beautiful. She is an actress. She acted in good movies. She is hard working. She is another talented Jewish artist, like Barbra Streisand and Lea Michele. She is an only child, same as me.

Similar situation. Very different fate.


And when can I be like her?

pics cr: wikipedia.


Unknown said...

Hehehe, Marcella, love yourself, ok? :D God has things in store for you too :D

Anonymous said...

they truly are a blessed nation...ckck