Thursday, December 2, 2010

Studying = Kiasu?

Of all things, why people (students) here in Singapore call studying (especially when the deadline, exam period, CAs are getting closer) "kiasu"? Even some people use it in normal conversation and refer it to themselves ("I'm going to kiasu, exam period is near"). It's not really different in Indo where people who are caught studying during normal hours (exam period, or before quizzes/CAs) are considered as too diligent.

IMHO studying a normal thing to do, and people have different modes of study. One-night study a.k.a super procrastinate, study from the beginning, study whenever they have time, etc.. Studying, in its literal meaning, is not less important than learning. If you don't revise, what's the point of attending classes? It's a part of learning though when you are doing your responsibilities, managing your time, and balancing out your life. And afterall, I think we are I am taught since elementary school that students' responsibility is to study (or to learn)? =)

Why people freaked out when they see others (especially, strong competitors) study? Insecurity? Lability? Lack of confidence? Or is this the one that is called "kiasu"? So it's not the action of studying then, it's the attitude of people who wants to win but are insecure and then start excessively comparing themselves with others and, psychological actions/attacks may come into play.

Just a thought, after a night of serious, heart-to-heart talking with some friends.

So, happy revision.


Unknown said...

Jiayou for your exam, especiall 316 and 314!!

Achelle said...

LOL, thx. how about 934? =P

Unknown said...

Well, good luck for that one as well! You can do it!

Achelle said...

Amen. thanks =)