Friday, January 7, 2011

Doctoral degrees?

A good article for those who is considering to do PhD, is considering not to do PhD, is doing PhD, is not doing PhD, or is considering to pursue a degree in science. Well, science students are the most susceptible group for doing this kind of thing. Yayayaya include me. I'm in the first category above. grades grades grades... please save it from free-fall for another time


Unknown said...

Well, that's a such a long article :P Anyway, let's just see how things go here in Singapore :P

What's up with falling grade? :P

Achelle said...

result is not yet released but i think it won't be really good T_T (i hope i'm wrong)
nway i just need to remain in 2nd upper or go to 1st class if possible.. as in, to save my chance for phd. if i alr have the supervisor and everything but i don't pass the phd passing grade then it's nothing. i still can't do phd. sigh.

Unknown said...

Nah, even if you get second lower, your paper will help you skip master and do PhD. :)

Achelle said...

amit2 jgn sampe 2nd lower. btw, di NTU bs gitu?

Unknown said...

Bisa lah :) PhD. mah research lebih penting daripada nilai :D

Achelle said...

syarat masuk phd 2nd upper kan?

Unknown said...

Syarat untuk skip master langsung PhD. itu yang second upper.
Tapi kalo misal ada paper, harusnya mereka punya pertimbangan lain :)

Achelle said...

hahaha "harusnya" ya, better comply with the existing regulations deh.
i think ga ada jg yg mau di bawah 2nd upper, kecuali emang uda ga bs ngapa2in lg..