It's been a long time not to update my blog. I've been quite busy since I had to move from my old
with air-con and elevator hall to this hall of 4 months and started the summer research in lab. I'll just give short updates regarding my latest important activities =)
ISCF Yearbook 2010Directly after my last paper, I went to School of ADM to help the rest of ISCF (now demissioned) exco to prepare the yearbook of ISCF's 2010 batch of 36 people. A lot! I think it is the batch with the largest number of member =) We planned to finish all the books in 1 night (May 5th) but we could not due to some technical problems, then we continued on the next day. The yearbook project was due on May 7th! Aaaaa!
On May 7th, we started the yearbook making (from printing to binding) from ard 8 pm. I wasn't able to join them from the beginning since I was in charge for ETG decorations 'til 11 pm. KP and JK started to print all the yearbooks at 8 pm, then they went to ADM to finalize and bind the books. At 11 pm, me and the other two girls (AA and AC) went there to help up and ask them to go back hall since they were on IA (Industrial Attachment). They finally went back hall at 2.30 (ard 3 hrs to ask them to go home =P) then we finished at 4 am. It was such a long midnight =)
Exam Thanksgiving (ETG)As mentioned above, I was in charge for the decoration of ETG. Since this would be the last ETG for this academic year as well as for the 4th year members, I thought the decoration were to be made very complex and took more than 1 day to finish. But then, we finish within 4 hours =) Then the next day was the event itself. It went smoothly, we got some people sharing (as usual in every ETG), received a message about continuity in serving and had the yearbook distributed. After that, exco needed to practice for tomorrow's AGM since we would be presenting some worship =)
Annual General Meeting (AGM)My batch of exco was really anxious on this. Well then, it should be that only God who judge your servanthood for the past one year, but then, AGM in NTU ISCF was made into an organizational-styled AGM where people could ask and bombard you. For more critical discussion, please refer to
this. =)
We were tired of all these, and I personally feel that when we were demissioned (stated that we had accomplished the year of ministering period). But thank God cos again we had a discussion on our direction for the following year, hopefully it will be a good one and His name will be even more glorified next year. Thank God that we had a new president and honorary general secretary, people who are firstly willing to continue on the servanthood in the organizational section of this ministry. Congrats to DSW and REJY! Really glad that He had enabled you to continue this ministry =) Rely on Him only =)
Demissioned Exco Get TogetherWe went to East Coast, played UNO stacko, WE and cards (capsa) then shared some stories. Too bad that the taxi driver where I and 3 other friends were using to go there told us to alight at a place far far away from the chalets, so we had to walk a very long way to reach there. SUPER TIRED.
Moving!Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is coming to town! 10 NTU Hall of Residences are going to be used as the Athletes Village, meaning that they will be staying there during the YOG event. We, the resident of those 10 halls were moved to the other 6 halls which are not going to be used. Really tired. But thank God that He sent me some friends to help up =)
Summer ResearchA bit sleepy, and my project with the nano- and micro-particles are not doing so well! So bad. Next week I have to finish then.
I think that's all my update.. Oh well and again Indonesia did
not manage to get Uber and Thomas Cup back. So sad to see the Thomas team were so sad when they received the silver medal and continously looked at the Thomas Cup.