Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friar (S)tuck

I’m back at Sherwood :)

I will stay here until NTU gives me a room in hall. Yeh. It becomes harder and harder for foreign students to get a room. Presidency or any other high position in clubs are needed, while, as my prof said, studying time are being compromised. Then… what’s your priority? Ahiks, prof, we’ll be appreciating you lots if you rent a place near NTU for your undergrad group members.

This place feels more like home (without internet access.. I hope I will have it soon as soon as possible).. However, I’d really appreciate if they can give me place in NTU hall, soon :)

Return me there!!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

jurnalisme komersil?

kapan pernah mereka peduliin etika? =P

rasanya topik ini sudah dibicarakan dari dulu, tapi ya, toh mereka juga tidak berubah. penontonnya tidak berubah (meskipun di awal juga ikutan mengkritik). yang tidak nonton juga tidak berubah. semuanya tidak berubah. kalo sepi berita, isinya berubah jadi parade iklan dimana si artis yang diwawancara disuruh mengiklankan suatu produk.

gampang aja. mau nonton silakan, tdk mau nonton silakan. mau jadi artis ya tanggung resiko =P

kalo diperhatiin juga situs/acara berita, kadang beritanya melebih2x kan dari kenyataannya..

Saturday, July 24, 2010


research (officially) finished
mellow mode: on

let's hibernating

Friday, July 23, 2010

deeply saddened.

R.I.P onemanga

I really want to cry right now. This sadness is undescribable.
My feeling is shaking more than when I heard Do As Infinity disbanded.

Thanks, privacy prevention. It is a community that is affected, not just free-readers.

"There is an end to everything, to good things as well."
It pains me to announce that this is the last week of manga reading on One Manga (!!). Manga publishers have recently changed their stance on manga scanlations and made it clear that they no longer approve of it. We have decided to abide by their wishes, and remove all manga content (regardless of licensing status) from the site. The removal of content will happen gradually (so you can at least finish some of the outstanding reading you have), but we expect all content to be gone by early next week (RIP OM July '10).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

If I were to choose..

Kalo ada beberapa hal yang bikin saya iri sama temen2x Indo yg dari JC (Junior College) di Singapore (i.e. dapet scholarship stlh lulus SMP buat masuk sec 3 di Singapore) dan temen2x Singaporean, salah satunya adalah karena mereka bisa milih pelajaran apa yang mereka mau pelajari di sekolah (kalo ga salah nangkep). Cuma kalo di JC ada batasannya, harus ada 1 contrasting subject dari 4 subjects yang diambil.

Waktu ngobrol ama lab mate, dia sempet rada kaget karena SMA di Indo musti ambil 10 lebih subjects sedangkan dia cuma 4 =P Bingung juga kali ya, gmn cara ngatur waktu belajarnya? Efeknya lebih ke payback nya sih, di JC kayaknya lebih dalem gitu belajarnya kata temen saya yang lain *maths A-level susaaaaahhh!* dan lagian di Indo kan ada pelajaran wajib kayak bahasa Indonesia, PPKn, matematika, dan di beberapa sekolah Bahasa Inggris dan agama.
Dengan kewajiban 10 lebih pelajaran itu, saya sih dulu punya pelajaran super ga favorit. Olahraga, for example =P *standard* Saya yakin juga kalo anak2x Indo yang lain punya pelajaran yang ga disukai. Even anak IPA pun banyak yang ga suka fisika atau kimia.

Jadi.. Dari SMA saya kadang suka bayangin aja kalo saya boleh milih pelajaran yang mau diambil, kira2x list nya bakal kayak apa ^^

Pelajaran yang dulu diwajibkan buat anak jurusan IPA seperti saya adalah:
super wajib:
  • agama
  • PPKn
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Inggris
  • matematika IPA
  • fisika
  • kimia
  • biologi
  • sejarah
  • bahasa asing 1 lagi
  • olahraga
  • menggambar teknik *ini pelajaran yg paling susah kayaknya selama SMA.. haha*
  • komputer
Oke, dengan jumlah load yang sama, paling yang bisa saya utak-atik cuma yang tambahan (jurusan ga boleh *dan saya juga ga mau buang salah satunya*, wajib apalagi *padahal saya mau buang 1 atau 2 kalo bisa.. haha!*).

Daftar seluruh pelajaran "tambahan" dan "jurusan lain" yang ada di SMA saya waktu itu adalah:
  • geografi
  • ekonomi
  • sejarah
  • sosiologi
  • antropologi
  • seni musik
  • desain
  • menggambar teknik
  • bahasa Perancis
  • bahasa Jerman
  • sastra Indonesia
  • olahraga
  • komputer

Dan kalau dari daftar itu saya harus milih 5 "tambahan" yang bakal saya pilih adalah..
  • komputer
  • bahasa Jerman
  • sosiologi
  • geografi
  • bahasa Perancis

Masa SMA itu harus dinikmati, bukan? =P
Oh sekarang di SMA itu ada bahasa Jepang.. duh kalo ada tentu saja saya bakal buang Perancisnya ganti Jepang. Terus dulu sempet ada sesi laboratorium (yang akhirnya dihapuskan dan *katanya* diintegrasikan dengan pelajaran sampe guru2x IPA bikin aksi mogok dan taunya ga jalan), yah kalo itu ada lagi buang sosiologi atau geografi lah *blm bisa memutuskan gara2x batal ambil prescribed elective sociology di NTU*, mending nge-lab.

Di Singapore ada yang namanya pelajaran H3, jadi pelajaran yang setara dengan pelajaran tahun pertama universitas gitu. Yang bisa ambil cuma yang result nya bagus. Kalo itu ada di Indo dan diberlakukan buat 10 besar se-angkatan (which is saya masih lolos =P) mending saya ambil kimia atau matematika setara H3.. ^^

Tapi sayangnya, ini semua cuma impian yang tidak pernah tercapai.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In dilemma

Advancing my Japanese or German?

How I love both.. I want to learn them after I graduate from this B.Sc.. But it is hard to study two different languages from scratch simultaneously, isn't it?

Why Japanese?
Hmm, Japanese anime has been part of my life since I was in kindergarten! Now I rarely watch anime and even read manga, but I am still addicted to J-music (DAI for life, yay!) and J-dorama. And those spin-offs.. Oh I simply love them. If I'm not in NTU right now, I might ended up receiving Monbukagakusho scholarship to study Pharmacy/Food Tech/Chem there (or.. pursuing a bachelor degree in Food Technology on scholarship in Indo. I think the latter is more favorable). Eventually my prof has an affiliation with a material lab there, so, if his NTU lab is full maybe he'll export me and my labmates there for PhD in the future.. Who doesn't want?? Shibuya, Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Daigaku, Yoyogi Park, Ebisu Garden.. Name it!!

Why German?
My friends are able to speak German, and I love German national football team since I was an elementary school student. I started studying a little in high school and learned more of it in NTU Modern Language Elective by some reasons (apparently it was because I couldn't get into Japanese language elective due to clashing timetables). German is my second choice of further studies, though, after my NTU German tutor told me more about it. If I'm not mistaken, one of my prof's ex-student is one of the group leader there.. =P

I checked the fee to enroll at Goethe-Institut Singapore, and it is really expensive!! S$460 for one level, 10 weeks, twice a week. Ouch. But yah it is still half of the special term fee in NTU for the same duration and level, and the students will get discounted fee for taking a German language exam for foreigner.. =P But it is still expensive! Haha.
I don't know where to go if I want to learn Japanese in Singapore (outside), but I know some people who are able to speak Japanese well and even have ever lived/stayed there (attachment, scholarships..) But then I don't feel comfortable if I keep nagging on them to ask about this matter.. >.<

Should I just continue to learn both languages by myself?

And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them

Saya kadang suka mikir, yang mana yg lebih kuat antara BFF (Best Friends Forever) atau BFFL (Best Friends For Life).

Dua-duanya sama2x mendefinisikan satu hubungan persahabatan yang kuat dan gak habis dimakan waktu, lebih kuat daripada sekedar sahabat aka Best Friends (without forever, for life, blahblah).

Kalo menurut saya,

BFF seharusnya lebih kuat, karena itu "selamanya" sedangkan BFFL itu "selama hidup" doang.
Jika Anda percaya pada kehidupan setelah mati, kita pasti akan bertemu lagi konsep literal dari BFF itu bakal terasa lebih menyatu. Oh well, it's if both parties go to heaven or hell together, though =P

Kepikiran juga kalo cuma "for life", then where are you when your "BFFL" is dying and ready to face death? Kalo marriage vow yang suka ada di film2x kan bunyinya "in sickness and health" dan biasanya "sickness" bisa diasosiasikan dgn "death" gt ya, as in, lebih dekat saja kepada pintu gerbang yang itu =) Jadi ya, "for life and death" gitu.

Kalo "forever", kesannya bener2x selama2x nya, mau hidup, mati, sakit, sehat, kalo diibaratkan roda ya waktu kita lagi di atas atau di bawah, yah intinya, in all circumstances. Forever juga mengibaratkan satu perjalanan waktu yang bener2x "selamanya", infiniti. Yah, kayak lagunya Michael Smith yang potongan liriknya saya bikin jadi post title itu, "...that a lifetime's not too long to live as friends". Yah, persahabatan yang tulus dan sejati itu mungkin harusnya, ya, melebihi batas umur manusia.

posting di bawah ini (Basti-Poldi) harusnya komennya BFF bukan BFFL. Regardless mereka percaya apa ga, tapi, saya merasa ikatan mereka lebih kuat daripada cuma "for life" doang.


Tapi, as skeptical as I am, BFF itu buat saya cuma keadaan ideal. Theoretical. But who said ideal is really impossible? Some physics formulas are really true in vacuum anyway =P

Main bola dimanapun, kapanpun, bagaimanapun


(FYI *kalo ga tau* itu Bastian Schweinsteiger dan BFFLnya Lukas Podolski)

Saya ga bisa ngebayangin aja kalo saya maen xbox/wii pake game chemistry sama temen2x sejurusan saya (batch manapun)
Agak freak yah. Ngeliat gamenya aja kepala udah mau meledak =P

Tapi mungkin beda soalnya ini jenisnya sports dan recreational.. Kalo chemistry... *banging head*

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hey Sarah, do you want to stay in England?

... then you and Basti can be the next Becks-and-Vic! =P
*the above line was mentioned by a friend about this guy and his amazingly beautiful gf*

(ok the news below are just speculation, I think. It was written in April, even before World Cup. I'm just interested in posting the above lines for fun, haha)

Oh well, if Basti (Bastian Schweinsteiger, Bayern München (31), die deutsche Nationalmannscaft (7)) doesn't want to stay at Bayern, better he does not transfer himself to those clubs who are only "star collectors" but he can never improve himself there, or any of the clubs in the country where they are proud to do diving or, in Indonesian term, make all ways are "halal".
In one article I read that Sarah (Sarah Brandner = his gf) does not want to go to Turin.. XD
Eh anyway AC Milan is interested in Poldi (Lukas Podolski, 1. Köln (10), die deutsche Nationalmannschaft (10)).. ouch ouch... NOOOOO!!! Because it is... italy, yah, simply Italy!! =P and well, if both (or any) transfers are true we won't see any schweinski bromance in bundesliga T____T

nway if you don't know who's Basti's so fortunate gf and want to see her, you can see her pic here =P


Chelsea Should Sign Bastian Schweinsteiger This Summer

With another FA Cup final, three games remaining on the Premier League fixture list and one point between Chelsea and second placed Manchester United, it may be a little premature for the Blue’s management and players to think about summer transfers. Mercifully, as pundits and fans, we do not have to play Liverpool with the additional worry of the reigning champions snapping behind us, and can afford ourselves this idle speculation.

With an ageing but still potent team, Chelsea should only look to replace one member of the starting eleven – Michael Ballack. The German captain has played plenty this season, but has routinely looked average and tired when on the pitch. While he is still a fine midfielder, he should no longer claim a starting berth over Lampard, Essien or Mikel. The reasons for this are simple. He doesn’t bring the athletic dynamism of the Ghanian, the assists and goal return of the Englishman, or the youth and adequate defensive shielding of the Nigerian.

Essentially he is an old utility midfielder, a player who can be trusted to make the right pass but who can no longer run for ninety minutes, a player with an ego that demands stroking but increasingly, doesn’t deserve it.
But Chelsea have an excellent replacement ready should Bayern Munich prove to be willing bartering partners.

In Bastian Schweinsteiger, the Blues have a flexible player able to take on almost any role in the midfield position, much like his international Captain Ballack used to be able to provide.

“Schweini” could star as a direct replacement for Die Mannschaft captain in the central role, especially given his excellence in this position for his Bavarian club this campaign. He has displayed both the ability to spread the ball around and to work very hard to win the ball back for his side. But his abilities and uses are far greater than just being a hard working trooper, a man willing to run down opponents and lay off passes to the creative attacking types.

He can also function as a wide midfielder, and though lacking the pace and intricate dribbling associated with natural wingers like his teammate Arjen Robben, Schweinsteiger can put in enough accurate crosses to force any defense to adjust to this menace.

With Flourent Malouda, Ashley Cole and Yuri Zhirkov wreaking havoc on the left, Chelsea’s right has appeared tame. Branislav Ivanovic can be counted on for a couple of good crosses per game on top of his usual solid defending, but the right just does not have the same threat for the Blues that the opposite side carries. The right wingers in the Blues’ 4-3-3 – Anelka or Joe Cole or Solomon Kalou – are not as naturally suited to this role like Malouda is on the left and thus, the wide right attacks suffer.

Adding the German international to the right would improve Chelsea’s options in attack and force any opposition to consider how to contain both flanks equally. A tactical change to a 4-4-2 to include both Anelka as a pure striker and Schweinsteiger’s wide play would certainly give pause to anyone in Europe.

But, as mentioned earlier, Schweinsteiger has become one of Europe’s top central midfielders this season, and could therefore also fill in that role in Chelsea’s 4-3-3 or Ancelotti’s old favorite, the 4-4-2 diamond. With now constant injuries to Essien, Schweinsteiger could very well claim his place in the starting XI.

Additionally, he has shown for Germany that he can be a very good attacking player, although the presence of certain French and Dutch footballers on his club team seem to have prevented the repetition of his fairly impressive German goal return for Munich. Given more room to attack and fewer defensive responsibilities however, he should be able to knock in a goal every few games or so for the Blues.

Further, his relative youth means his performance would not dip so dramatically as both games and the seasons wear on. While not an explosive player, he certainly won’t visibly deteriorate during every ninety minute match. In the generally epic, tri-pronged (at least) campaigns Chelsea have involved themselves in over the past handful of seasons, the importance of players with sufficient energy come April and May should not be underestimated.

Lastly, his ego does not seem to reflect his quality on the pitch. While this might not seem to be so important, it could be argued that one of Chelsea’s biggest flaws of the past few seasons has come from the generally unpleasant attitude conveyed by some of their megalomaniacal stars. While this is by no means true for the entire squad, having another player who won’t add to this image can’t hurt.

While some might yearn for Sergio Aguero or Luis Suarez or some other player who can help add a cutting edge (although why another forward is needed is still a mystery to me), “Basti” is probably the player Chelsea need to become younger and more competitive in an area that needs instant repair.

The club should make the bid before the World Cup, as his price tag will shoot up come July if he repeats his excellent performances for Germany as he has done for most of his career. The chance to do so is now; come August, half of Europe may be splashing out on the midfield star.


Now opened!

Bayern München basketball club.

Inital members: 18 - Miroslav Klose, 31 - Bastian Schweinsteiger


I just punched myself, and found that it was hurt

I just had the weirdest dream I had ever experience:

I changed my own alarm clock in my dream


I just had a nap and I set my phone alarm to ring in 1.25 hours (from 1.50 to 3 PM) beforehand, as usual.
Eventually I woke up at the half-hour. I woke up twice, the first one was because my phone rang at 2 PM due to my friend's message. The second one was at 2.30 PM without any particular reason. Then, when I was just about to go back to sleep, I thought to myself:
"oh, only half an hour left? *sigh*"
Then I went back to sleep, and later, I woke up and found that it was already 3.15 PM!

OK, I often miss the alarm lately (i.e. I don't hear the alarm ringing) in the morning due to the now-finished World Cup season that made me sleep late and woke up late and had the whole day feeling tired until I took a nap at my desk at lab =P Even at the 3rd-4th day after the World Cup was finished and the Germans made it into 3rd place (again) the tired-feeling worsened and I missed some alarm. Sometimes I even woke up 2-3 hours after the alarm rang ^____^ So I thought, I missed the alarm again because of that.

I looked at the alarm program and found that the time changed to 3.19 PM. I thought it was automatically generated if the alarm rang and no one pressed to stop or snooze or simply pressed any button. But I still felt sleepy and re-set my alarm to 3.30 (and thought: 2 hrs of sleeping? oh.. report!!)

Later I woke up without any alarm and found that it was 2.59!!!!
And my alarm program still showed that the alarm should rang at 3 PM, which it did in a few seconds. *scratching head*

Did I just travel in time or was it only another strange dream on a lazy to make report, cold, windy Sunday afternoon? FYI, I felt really awake when I thought I was awake at the whole part of the story.

Now I don't know, which part of the above story was happened when I am awake (at least my friend's message is real, I have the proof in my phone)

Maybe I need some vacation and take a long, long nap or slumber =P soon, yeah, soon, I'll be in Jakarta for holz~ happy ^____^ (or maybe it was a sign not to watch Euro 2012 at early morning in live-broadcast)

And I hope I am really awake and alive right now. >.<

Saturday, July 17, 2010

from HAIKARA's wikipedia page

2010: Break up

On March 13, 2010, the band was scheduled to give a live concert with Halca, titled Night Light Parade Vol. 1.1: One of the new beginning at Shibuya Club Quattro in Tokyo.[citation needed]

It was announced on May 19 that on August 11 High and Mighty Color will release a new single, "Re:ache", which will be the band's final single. Speaking of the reason for the break up, band members cited "musical differences" and "future opportunities". The last single "Re:ache" will contain three new songs, with four songs in total, the fourth being a live rendition of "Red". The single will be a CD+DVD bundle that will come with the PVs for "Re:ache" and "Good Bye", as well as live recordings of their American concert from Sakura-Con 2010.[21][22]



As I thought, they won't survive without MAAKII there..

A bit pity for HALCA, though, she has not gotten much experiences there..

Blame the 50-year-old man who became MAAKII's husband

Hearing this news, I didn't cry as last time when I heard Do As Infinity disbanded; I didn't feel anything for real. I'm only sad because their names will just disappear in the future. Maybe MAAKII's departure was bitter enough for me to endure, so, this news was just a "follow-up" of what has happenned.

Wish all of them a happy future. For MAAKII and used-to-be Anti Nobunaga.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

how I wanted to..

kapan saya bisa motret kayak gini... kapaaaaannnn????

cr: f***yeahworldcup.tumblr

Monday, July 12, 2010

danke, die Mannschaft


das war fantastisch!
die Jungespieler sind super!

In 2 bis 4 Jahre.. oder?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Knife, sickle, chopper... or Voodoo?


Someone just took my lab coat from my hanger.

Apparently it belongs belonged (since it had goooneeee) to my prof, and he lent a lab coat for each of us (his 1st batch students =P)
then y'day I brought it back to wash it (it was really-really dirty), then hung it in front of my room to dry it.
In ~2 hrs I went out of my room... And...

It was gone.


The crime scene is still out there.

The lab coat should be there, and now, it is GONE

Will there be the blood of the thief near the crime scene (to make it crime scene #2)? I should find a knife, sickle or chopper then.

I'm actually happy to do this, but my parents (and God) will cry if I do it. sigh. hard choice.

Well, this hall is ridiculous. My sandal (sandal, yah, nothing special with it, it was even ready to be thrown away to recycle bin) was stolen, then prof's lab coat. What's that for, nway? Not funny. And seems the thief is really poor until he stole the lab coat? Or he/she wanted to use it as rain coat (because it was raining this afternoon)? Or someone hold a grudge against me??
One of my friend just suspected that the thief was a science (chemistry) student, whose lab coat got holes because of acid spill. If that is true.... Do you want your other stuffs/parts get hole as well? Your hands, fingers, toes..????

editing the post title --> Knife, sickle, chopper... or Voodoo acid spillage on your body parts? or aqua regia??? *too make it sound more like a blog of a chemistry student*

Whoever you are.. *I want to curse, but this post has really been un-Christian enough, so I better stop*

Why my stuffs are gone last year and now? I want to punch everywhere but apparently:
  1. I am not in single room
  2. My roommate is a photography student (and she must have expensive cameras)
So I better don't.

But still....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Anda Juga Manusia Berdosa, Bung!

komentar berikut di artikel ini keren =P
jadi binun...mana pelaku...mana korban...mana pemeran yg jahat....

ada yang mau iseng2x klasifikasi, siapa di kategori mana?
sadar diri oi. situ sendiri malah "begituan" sampe punya anak ama selingkuhan. ngacaaaaa...

New apparatus in lab!

A microscope had just arrived in lab! It is for my friends' project on nanorobots.

The first thing that popped out of my mind after this thing was set up was "do they give some gifts for buying this? Like Nikon DSLR camera or so"

I blurted that out, apparently. Oooohhh. I want camera.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Had the promise laid forgotten?

Or was it not a "real" promise; merely a high-school English dialogue practice according to the theme set by the teacher?

Happy birthday to you, anyway. Be happy, have a good life.

her: hey, what are you going to do after graduation?
me: i'm going to pursue further studies.. i got accepted at NTU anyway.
her: wow, that is a great news! NTU is a very good university!
me: yea, thank God for that. how about you?
her: i'm going to study tourism in a local university.
me: that suits you well.
her: later when i do my attachment, i will apply to do it in singapore and visit you!
me: wah, that is very kind of you.
her: keep my promise.
me: OK.

(the dialogue is paraphrased)

Toasting over melted dark chocolate blended with cherry sauce,
a skeptical-melancholy girl who do not even bother to create her own facebook account.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Sebuah e-mail mengejutkan (dan membingungkan)

Dear Year 3 and 4 students,
Cc: CBC Academic Staffs

With immediate effect, the guidelines for taking CBC491-Final Year Project (FYP) will be as follows.

The FYP project CBC491 (12 AUs) entails a minimum workload of 24 working hours / week (or 3 days / week).
FYP students may take up to 2 more courses (of 3 AU each) in addition to their project work in the same semester.
Students should consult their FYP supervisors and get permission from the Division Head or Dr. Y, if they want to take up more than 2 study modules or more than 6 AUs in that semester.

Please take this information into your consideration when you plan for your study program in AY2010/11.
Be noted that students cannot take any study modules together with the IA project (CBC492).

Best Regards,


on behalf of Division Head, Prof. LPH

nyantai beneeerrrrr

berarti karena skrg jatahnya 12 AU = 24 jam nge-lab/minggu
jadi FYP kecil (CBC493) yg cuma 3 AU = 6 jam nge-lab/minggu (1 hari nge-lab seminggu???)
dan summer research yang 4 AU = 8 jam nge-lab/minggu

cih, enaknya.
mau dong saya prof mau mau mau XD

ah tapi kalo ama prof saya kemarin dia bilang dia baru nolak murid yg mau ambil FYP sama dia sambil ambil plajaran jg. hmm. ga ngefek dong buat saya. huahuahuahua.

hey hey, you're using a female name for a male-targetting business?

I just received an e-mail about temporary vacation job from the university's career office.

And I was stunned.

The company offering the job has the same name as mine.
And they are doing the business in men's wear.



I randomly searched for songs in YouTube, and I found this =)

I used to listen to songs from her band long, long time ago, before and during the transition of me from a "normal" (Western and Indonesian, or should I say "majority") songs listener to a Japanese music lover (except Jianiz and Momusu and all those creepy bands and singers). Now I rarely listens to Western and Indo songs. Mostly no Western! I even did not know who Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift were until my coursemate sang their songs in a practice for her singing contest. Don't expect me to know the others, really. So don't blame me if my taste of Western music is a bit uncommon, or old. This band's songs were really nice back then, though. Unusual.

I heard that this band is currently on hiatus, with the two members are going on solo career and the other two are raising families. They said that they were going to come back after this long hiatus, but well, some people just don't. But anyway.. Who says that those hope cannot turn into reality? I started to believe in such cases when Do As Infinity reunited ^^

This is a song from the vocalist of the band. Andrea Corr of the Corrs ^^

And yah, the main reason why I checked out this song in YouTube is because the title is the same with one of my favorite song from one of my favorite J-rock band ^^;